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Depends, our company specifically must check an app on the iPad which tells them if
they have switched for launched tables(with no warning) this is determined on the most
shopped items. According to this they also have different promotions very often. A lot of
team work and marketing changes everyday
2. Yes, depends on what’s making higher money and what the people what. Change signs
and displays and details to apply to customers and their form of shopping. SWAP TEAM
@5am. Pink/ VS has the biggest
3. Yes lights change. In every cabinet they are changed or moved in another direction.
4. this store gets hit very often. Peso pow steal to sell through another market. Trash bags
and stuff
5. Yes, absolutely according to season. Color talks to populations who appeal to different
6. Alliteration and cute slogans everywhere. Fun, playful, and not boring
7. No they don’t really find an in between body sizes. They want a certain body type to buy
their products
8. Their store has to be accessible to everybody wheelchairs n shit

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