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How are changes in management changing the way organizations should build their

Transformation Plan Roadmap?

Business process management (bpm) is critical to how a business optimizes its processes in order
to produce efficiencies. Most times technology plays a critical if not the main part these days in
ensuring successful business processes. When looking at a transformational plan roadmap,
management/leadership of businesses must look at all processes end to end. They must ask the
necessary questions regarding if these processes are feeding to the end goal of reaching their
business strategy and mission.

To be able to analyze the processes, the businesses must leverage information technology
changes management as that is how information or data is gathered, processed, maintained, and
analyzed. There is so much data nowadays that rapid data collection and analysis of that data is
critical to help decision makers make the necessary decisions for the company both short term
and long term. A common way to store this data is in the cloud so that it is easily accessible so
that it can be analyzed. Many times, management/leadership must make changes on they fly so a
flexible work structure is needed in order to scale up or down based on business needs. The
transformational plan roadmap will allow management/leadership to see the larger picture of
how IT and other business lines function and collaborate together.

Some challenge to consider include how new technology comes to fruition every day and it is
hard for businesses and organizations to keep up. New technology moves ahead but sometimes
management do not think far enough ahead to keep up with the technology. When looking at
traditional platform solutions there are usually many dependencies that management has to
consider. With a transformation plan roadmap, management can see those dependencies clearly
and be able to identify gaps and see if newer technology can help resolve those gaps or perhaps
put a plan in place that will help reduce risk and increase security for the systems in place. All
awhile management can also leverage the new technologies and apply it to the transformation
plan roadmap while incurring cost savings.

In order to progressively follow and build upon the transformation plan roadmap, management
will also make changes based on how the new cloud platform solution is doing. For this analysis,
metrics and KPIs should be put in place to help decipher how much of an impact there has been
to be able to access future builds and revisions to the transformation plan roadmap. These
metrics can include availability, reliability, performance, cost savings, time and resource
efficiencies. Management can look at different ways to implement a cloud platform solution as
there are various solutions including hybrid. Many times, businesses and organizations cannot
transition about-face and quickly to a full-blown cloud platform, so hybrid is a good way to
transition piecemeal. Sometimes hybrid is the best fit solution to allow flexibility of maintaining
both an on-premise solution as well as cloud-based solution. Hybrid technology allows easy of
growth, improved collaboration, business agility, and help with any resistance shown by
stakeholders who may not want to transition to a cloud-based technology platform. Management
can leverage these benefits cross-functionally and reach alignment amongst business units,
stakeholders, and the IT teams.

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