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The Last Game

A couple of weeks before I moved to Astana, I was told that no baseball was played in Astana.

I was disappointed because baseball is my favorite sport to watch. Because of this, I tried to go to

a baseball game before I left America. I planned to go to a game in the summer with my Dad,

Grandma, sister, and friend. My Dad bought tickets for a game in the summer, only a week or so

after school ended. Here is the story of how my last baseball game for two years got ruined.

Two weeks before school ended for the summer, my Dad asked me if I wanted to go to a

baseball game with my friend. I said I would like that. We planned on going to a game with my

friend, sister, and Grandma. The scheduled date was in 3 weeks.

3 weeks later. It was a rainy day and it was almost time to go to the game. I had been ready for

almost half an hour and I was reading to pass the time. Just when I was expecting my friend to

arrive, my friend called and said that the game was rained out. However, my friend still came

over to the hotel (that my family was staying at) and we played in the swimming pool. It was

fun, but not as fun as how I thought the baseball game would be.
1 week later. I was looking through the hotel window and I saw my friend Charles with his Mom

arriving at the hotel. My Dad and I went down to the hotel lobby to greet them. We talked for a

bit while we waited for my Mom, sister and Grandma to come down to leave. When they finally

came, we left to the remake game. My Grandma took the metro while my Mom dropped my

Dad, sister, Charles and I off at the Washington Nationals stadium (in Washington D.C.). When

we got there, my Dad got everyone a hot dog. Right then it started to drizzle. We quickly ate the

hot dogs and walked to the metro station to wait for my Grandma. As we waited under the

stations’ roof, Charles and I played with a ball that we made out the tin foil from our hot dogs.

When my Grandma finally came we walked back to the stadium.

At the entrance, they were handing out plastic hats to kids for protection from the rain. Charles,

my sister and I each took one then we headed to our seats (which were right above right field,

where Bryce Harper, my favorite player plays!). Right before we sat down we realized that the

drizzle turned into rain. This caused the seats to become wet, right when the announcer

announced that the game was going to start in 5 minutes. We went down to the ground floor and

watched the rain come down harder when the was postponed for half an hour due to the rain. So

we waited, along with a huge crowd. At the half-hour mark, the game was postponed for another

hour. We knew that if a game was postponed for two hours then it was ‘rained out’ so we

decided to go home. We called my Mom to pick us up, then we started walking back, out of the

stadium. Right then the hard rain turned into a storm, the rain falling down so fast that you

couldn’t see 30 feet in front of you. I almost slipped several times and stepped into a puddle

more than once. Before we got to the street that my Mom was waiting to pick us up at, we

stopped at the box office. We tried to get refunds but the person on the other side of the glass
told us we couldn’t get refunds but we could get replacement tickets for a game in September.

We were moving in July but we took them anyway. We later sold the tickets but then hosted a

goodbye party.

I didn’t like not going to a baseball game before I moved, but I did enjoy the goodbye party. I

invited two of my friends to swim and a barbecue. After the barbecue, we played some Frisbee.

It was a fun thing to do before I moved away. I think I enjoyed the party even more than if I went

to the baseball game. This experience taught me that everything works out for the best.

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