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Irene Wang

Ling 12

Prof. Webb

Language Self Study Reflection

June 05 2019

My Experience With Language Self Study Project

I enjoyed using the book Language power by Dana R. Ferris to learn more about writing.

This book provides a clear and helpful outline of how to be a good writer. The book started with

Discovery, which is using an example to learn what the tutorial is about, and Focus about

learning the challenging part for mastering the tutorial. Next, via two Practice to put the learning

into practice. Lastly, through Apply exercises, I reflected upon what I have learned.

The four tutorial I have chosen was about word choice, word form, writing style, and

editing. All are essential for being a good writer.

The first vital points I learned from the tutorials is to be resourceful and learn how to use

the internet. The website: is a helpful resource to check word

choice. Moreover, this website can be used when editing and for better writing style.

Furthermore, the grammar checker such as Grammarly is helpful when writing and check for

word form.

The next important point I learned is the importance of reading more books. Reading a

well-written paper, article, book, etc. helps with writing. They provide a good sense of idea what

word to use under certain circumstances, and what are some better ways to make the writing

more vivid.
The last thing I learned I think it is important is do not fear to make mistakes; this is how

you learn. However, it is essential to learn from them and not make the mistakes again. I have

noticed I have been continually making mistakes in word form, such as verb tenses and singular

and plural form. After tutorial 14, I learned more about how to check my writing and the

rationale behind the choices of word form.

In conclusion, I think the Language Self Study Project is beneficial for facilitating me

towards a good writer. The exercises helped me to realize my weak points and provided solutions

on how to improve them.

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