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SFHS: Cultivating Innovative and Critical Thinkers Portfolio College & Career Document

S​pecific ​M​easurable ​A​ttainable ​R​ealistic ​T​imely

1) My ACADEMIC goal is: Complete my PIQs and get my information at home
for college apps together by the end of summer. I want to have all PIQ done and
have my descriptions of my activities and other things done. This will help me
from stressing a lot during the year.

Three steps I will take to complete this goal are:

a) ​Continue to revise my PIQs
b) Start a in-depth list of my achievements
c) Get my awards and experience information and descriptions.

2) My LEADERSHIP/SERVICE goal is: be an active member in MSG during the

next school year.

Three steps I will take to complete this goal are:

a) Join the MSG class
b) get ahead of the curve and ask about things before they occur
c) Gain leadership roles in each event and help plan

3) For next semester, my personal goal is: To exercise 2-3 times a week either at
home or gym and to drink a lot more (additional 3-4 cups) water every day.

Three steps I will take to complete this goal are:

a) sign up for the free planet fitness summer
b) start going during summer and get my initial goals
c) get a bigger hydro flask so I don’t have to refill it repeatedly

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