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Name: ______________________________________________

Directions: Look at the pictures. Use the word has in your sentence to tell me what
body part the animal has.

The shark _____________________________________.

The scorpion ________________________________.

The octopus ________________________________

The dolphin __________________________________

Name: ___________________________________
Directions: Read the sentence and circle the correct the correct word. Be
careful! Some can be found in both the ocean and the desert!

It is hot in the ocean desert

Seaweed is a plant in the ocean desert
Scorpions live in the ocean desert
Animals that have gills live in the ocean desert
It is wet and cold in the ocean desert
Animals with scales live in the ocean desert
Cactus can be found in the ocean desert
Sharks live in the ocean desert
There are sand dunes in the ocean desert
Sand is found in the ocean desert
Animals with tentacles lives in the ocean desert

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