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Ernest Perez

Ms. Montes

United States History

21 March 2019

Recognize Perspective

The Perspective of Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Elizabeth Cady Stanton was born on November 12, 1815 in Johnstown, New York.

Stanton was raised by a wealthy family, at the time Stanton had the best education any women

could have. During Stanton’s mid 20’s she married an abolitionist name Henry Brewster Stanton.

Stanton was one of the four women rights leaders that made a huge impact on today’s women

rights. Sadly, Stanton wasn't able to see women vote as she passed away in 1902 about two

decades before the Nineteenth Amendment was approved.

As Elizabeth Cady Stanton attended the World Anti-Slavery Convention in London,

women were forced to be separated from the convention and sit behind the screens. During that

time Stanton met delegate Lucretia Mott. The two got together and organized the first Women’s

Right Convention at Seneca Falls, New York on 1848. In addition to this, in 1869 Susan B.

Anthony found the National Woman Suffrage Association with the help of the one and only

Elizabeth Cady Stanton. As anthony’s death in 1906, the united states honored her life by

making her the first women in a American coin.

“If we consider her as a citizen as a member of a Great Nation, she must have the same

rights as all other members, according to the fundamental principles of our government”. This

speech by Elizabeth Cady Stanton made a lot of sense in today's women rights. Women shouldn't
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be treated differently due to their gender. All women should be treated equally due to the fact

that we are all humans. In my opinion all women should be treated equally as men due to women

being able to do thing that men could do.

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Works Cited

Stanton Cady Elizabeth, Women Speak Out for Equal Rights

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