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Bryanna Luihn


Chorus Essay


Heritage Women’s Choir

On May 16, 2019 we had a group concert with Wakefield, Heritage, and Unison choirs.

Musically speaking the best part of the concert was when we sang Until We Sing Again, because

we sang our parts correctly and got on and off stage the right way. We also sang that song with

another group so that piece was stronger because it was more voices.

The weakest part of the concert was the last 3 songs. The last 3 songs weren’t great

because they were the newest ones and we didn’t know our parts as well as we could have.

Especially in altos because we were in an arrangement were sopranos and altos were mixed

together which made singing the alto line more difficult because altos would confuse the parts.

Mainly the last two pages of Bridge Over Troubled Water, and A Farewell because everytime we

got to those pages we’d get confused.

My favorite part of the concert was Wakefields portion, they sounded really good. They

knew their notes really well and had very well pronounced consonants. I also understood all the

words they sang and it was difficult to understand the words in the music bc of the room and

how the sound was. Wakefield also had the most songs to sing as one group.

Some comments I got about the performance were that Bridge Over Troubled Water was

one of the best ones we all sang together. Also that a Farewell was really good and was a pretty
song. A few people said that at some times we weren’t all singing the right line, the altos would

sing the soprano line by accident. Overall the performance was very good and most people

enjoyed going and listening to the music.

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