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Valderrama, Antique
August 8, 2018

1st Long Test in English 10

Grade 10-D

I. Multiple Choice
1. He was a well-known inventor in Greek mythology.
a. Icarus b. Daedalus c. King Minos d. Theseus
2. Who turned Perdix into a partridge to save him?
a. Poseidon b. Athena c. Daedalus d. King Minos
3. He invented the saw.
a. Daedalus b. Icarus c. Perdix d. King Cocalus
4. It is sent by Poseidon for Queen Pasiphae.
a. Minotaur b. White bull c. Ring d. Compass
5. He is the Athenian hero who slayed the Minotaur.
a. King Cocalus b. Daedalus c. Ariadne d. Theseus
6. Son of Queen Pasiphae to the white bull.
a. Icarus b. Minotaur c. Theseus d. Ariadne
7. He built the Labyrinth to contain the monstrous half-man, half-bull.
a. King Minos b. Perdix c. Icarus d. Daedalus
8. What did Daedalus give to Princess Ariadne for Theseus to tie the door?
a. Thread b. Rope c. Flaxen thread d. String
9. Place where Icarus was buried.
a. Athens b. Icaria c. Crete d. Camicus
10. Olympian God whom Daedalus offered his wings.
a. Athena b. Poseidon c. Zeus d. Heracles
11. What do you mean by the word “perilous”?
a. venomous b. dangerous c. continuous d. slanderous
12. Goddess of Wisdom.
a. Aphrodite b. Athena c. Hera d. Hygea
13. Daughter of King Acrisius.
a. Athena b. Andromeda c. Danae d. Cassiopeia
14. A fisherman who beheld the pitiful mother and Perseus.
a. Polydectes b. Dictys c. Acrisius d. Cepheus
15. Wife of Perseus.
a. Danae b. Athena c. Andromeda d. Cassiopeia
16. Ruler of Seraphos.
a. Dictys b. King Polydectes c. King Cepheus d. King Acrisius
17. God of all Gods.
a. Poseidon b. Zeus c. Hades d. Perseus
18. Messenger of Gods.
a. Poseidon b. Hermes c. Athena d. Perseus
19. Monstrous creatures covered with impenetrable scales, with hair of living snakes. Hands made of brass, and sharp fangs.
a. Gorgon b. Nymphs of the North c Gray Women d. Minotaur
20. How many eyes does the Gray Women have?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
21. He beheaded Medusa.
a. King Acrisius b. Perseus c. Andromeda d. Zeus
22. He received a dreadful oracle.
a. Perseus b. Andromeda c. Danae d. King Acrisius
23. He saved Andromeda.
a. Perseus b. Zeus c. Danae d. King Acrisius
24. What do you mean by the word “appease”?
a. venomous b. dangerous c. satisfy d. ashame
25. What do you mean by the word “evade”?
a. brave b. avoid c. satisfy d. ashame

II. Identify the correct verb in each sentence. Underline the subject and encircle the correct verb to be use.

1. The politician, along with the newsmen, (is, are) expected shortly.
2. There (was, were) a well-known writer at the meeting.
3. Six gallons of milk (is, are) still in the refrigerator.
4. Each and every student and instructor in this building (hope, hopes) for a new facility by next year.
5. Three miles (is, are) too far to walk.
6. The data (amaze, amazes) everyone.
7. Ten dollars (is, are) a high price to pay.
8. The news of the discovery (is, are) spreading.
9. Everyone in the committee (is, are) welcome to express his/her ideas.
10. Either the actors or the director (is, are) at fault.

III. Write E if the sentence is Explicit and I if it is Implicit.

1. I am with the wind and sky.

2. I’m free.
3. The cold never bother me anyway.
4. Be the good girl, you always have to be.
5. Conceal, don’t feel.

IV. Draw if the sentence is Intensive and if it is Reflexive.

1. I myself baked a cake.

2. She made herself a cup of tea.
3. They went themselves to visit their friend.
4. He himself finished his project.
5. We ourselves will pass the test.

---the end---

Prepared by:

Miss Aileen Marie Franco Pon-an

Subject Teacher

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