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Fiction and history books are often thought to be the most important type of books to read.

from always being located in the top lists of the best sellers of the most well-known book shops in
the world, they are considered to be the most entertaining. However, which one is the most
important to read nowadays?

Although widely known to be a bit boring and hard, history books are actually really important in
terms of knowing our origins as human beings. According to some, history is the most important field
we need to be fully up-to-date because it is constantly changing. Even though history books are a bit
hard, they are really necessary in our lives.

Nevertheless, despite the importance of history, I would say that fiction books are more vital
nowadays. They help us to disconnect from the real world and, besides, they create a new one in
which every possibility would be real. People are looking for books which make them stop thinking,
or at least, give them a moment to be in another world in which some kind of aliens would kill
everyone. But for this kind of books, we would not have developed our imagination so fast.

In conclusion, not only is it important to take into account that books should help us learning, but
also they need to be entertaining and help us to disconnect from our busy lives and fiction books
follow all these requirements.

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