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1 Confidence

2 Most IMP- Have Zero expectation of picking her up/Don’t keep scores of nice thing done.
3 Very IMP- Have true independence, Be self assured

shoulders thrown back (use ur tspine(back muscles)) and press shoulders down as if some weight is there in
4 hands, hands taking space/
5 Walk slow with Long Strides
6 build shoulders biceps and forearms/Lift heavy weights
7 smell nice and wear sharp/ironed clothes
8 well groomed bald guy with beard.
9 Intelligence and humility
10 never being mean or aggressive but firmly assertive.
11 Use ur Hips for proud confident movementthat people notice.
12 Have good eye contact by looking intopupils for few second and then smila and look away, pls don’t stare.
have palms out while talking , also when needed to cross arms , cross one arm and loosely put other armover
13 it.(def-pff stance)
14 Be the bigger man by introducing to a new mob/
15 don’t do manspreading and be the over alpha and occupy too much space.
16 Skin abrasion machine

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