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Names of fungi can be treat

*Candida albicans
- In all test microbes most susceptible organism in the investigation was C. albicans against
which all the plant extracts showed IZ. TA and quantity of extracts from plant parts was
calculated and recorded. TA indicates the volume at which extracts can be diluted without losing
the ability to kill microorganisms. Full TA calculated against E. coli, P. aeruginosa, P.
mirabilis, S. aureus, and C. albicans, were 70.51, 48.07, 192.30, 192.30, and 141.02 ml,
respectively. Most of the extracts showed high values of TA against P. mirabilis, S. aureus,
and C. albicans; which proves potential of the extracts to inhibit growth of the test
microorganisms, even at low concentration. (Phytochemical study and screening for
antimicrobial activity of flavonoids of Euphorbia hirta: Geeta Singh and Padma Kumar)
* Trichophyton rubrum
-Dermatophytosis are fungal infections caused by keratinophilic fungi known as dermatophytes
and classified in three genera: Trichophyton, Epidermophyton and Microsporum.
-Quercetin showed the most effective antifungal activity with MIC of 125 µg/mL, ellagic acid
presented MIC of 250 µg/mL, galangin and genistein were ineffective toward T.rubrum (MIC
>1000 µg/mL). The positive controls fluconazole and cerulenin presented MICs of 63 and 125
µg/mL, respectively.(Antifungal activity of flavonoids and modulation of expression of genes of
fatty acid synthesis in the dermatophyte Trichophyton rubrum: Tamires Aparecida Bitencourt,
Tatiana TakahasiKomoto, Mozart Marins, and Ana Lúcia Fachin,2013)
* Phomopsis sp.
However, there are no known reports of these varieties and their efficacy against the pathogenic
fungi, Phomopsis sp. isolated from the leaves of para rubber. Therefore, the aim of the study was
to investigate the antifungal effects of chili, shallot (Sisaket variety) and garlic (Kaew variety)
extracts against Phomopsis sp., which is a pathogenic fungus of the para rubber tree. In
conclusion, the current study demonstrated that extracts of local varieties in Sisaket of chili,
shallot and garlic possessed antifungal activity against mycelial growth
of Phomopsis sp.(antifungal property of chili, shallot and garlic extracts against pathogenic
fungi, Phomopsis sp., isolated from infected leaves of para rubber (Hevea brasiliensis Muell.
Arg.): Patcharawan Sittisarta, Siriporn Yossan, Poonsuk Prasertan,2018)

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