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In essence, I'd like to advocate technology that has improved our lives. While
there can be goods and bads in anything, talking about technology is no exception.
I'd, however, like to focus on the positive effect the growth of technology has had
on our lives. For which, I've chosen to discuss the following,

1) Relationships
2) Working Life

1) Relationships:

The effect technology has brought into human relationships is immense. In this
aspect, it has changed the whole idea of being in a relationship. Technology has
brought people together, in simple words. Technology is connecting people much
better than people ever have had connected with each other. Your school and college
pals no more lose in touch with you. Your ex colleges continue to be a part of your
socializing activities online. Though you may not get fascinated by every update of
your friends while online, you still are very well aware of what they have become
of in their lives. As for this essay task, it shall be too long to even skim over
all the benefits technology has offered us in our lives.

2)Working Life:
Productivity foremostly has improved due to the advancement of technologies. Speed
of information processing is at its pinnacle and has an almost direct effect on the
lives of people that belong to wherever in the pecking order of a company. If not
for technology, automation wouldn't have been a reality at all. Despite any
negative effect one could imagine, one can bet it's life and say technology has
showered on us its gifts.


Of relationships and working life, I'd argue, technology has most affected our
relationships. This is simply due to the fact that electronic communications and
socializing undoubtedly is powerful to influence our views about people and our
relationships with them.

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