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The translation process I usually stick to is an amalgamation of different techniques and procedures.

My approach depends mainly on the type of text I am presented with. If a text is long I tend to skim
through it and familiarise myself with the content. If time allows, I even read the whole text.
Regarding texts that are on the shorter side, I usually do a quick skim through such a text - just to
give me the main idea and context. Then, I dive straight into translating. My strategy is to work
with a few words at a time. Only when I need additional context do I read a whole sentence.
Furthermore, I consult various sources on every step of the translation process. In most cases I use
the Internet as a source. After finishing the first draft, I leave it for at least a few hours or a day.
Then, I go back to the translation and I revise it. I read it once or twice, simultaneously looking for
mistakes and correcting them. If I need additional aid, I again consult sources. I also check the
punctuation and look for typing errors. If everything looks and sounds good, I finish translating by
giving the text a final read through.

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