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6/5/2019 Play Script - Google Docs

Under Pressure

Max Schaeffer, Isoiza Emah, Jon Eckert, and Amedeo Rosenfield

Red Group

Jon:Mason, Panelisty

Isoiza:Coach, Panelist,

Max: Bully, Panelist

Amedeo:Teacher, Panelist, Jonny

Other student 1:Gina

Other Student 2:Lucy

Other Student 3:Calvin

Audience Member 1: Kiah

Audience Member 2: Ryan

Audience Member 3:Maybelle

Audienced Member 4:Amelia

Audience Member 5:Indy

Scene 1

Play begins with short silent scene.

Many students put drinks up to Mason as if to offer them to him he refuses the first 3 then accepts

one. He then accepts one and scene tableaus with him taking a sip. 1/10
6/5/2019 Play Script - Google Docs

Scene 2

Amedeo: *Read off the clipboard*

Peer pressure is a trait we as humans developed from the beginning of our existence. Since the

beginning of man, humans have had a pack mentality and the desire to not be a lone wolf. Teens

are especially susceptible to peer pressure because the brain is not fully developed until twenty-five

and during a person's teenage years they are often trying to define who they are. Peer pressure is

often expressed in teens desire to fit in and be part of a group and teens are often pressured into not

reporting problems such as bullying to not be viewed as a snitch.

Scene 3

(mason talks to coach and narrates about his disappointment)

Mason walks into the locker room after a long night of partying

Coach ______: “MASON!!! Get your behind in my office A-S-A-P!”

Mason: “Yes coach? Y?”

Coach ______: *Hand Mason video on his phone*

Mason: “What is this?”

Coach: “It's the video of you at your little party last night”

Mason: “This-this wasn't me, I swear.”

Coach: “Yea yea cut it, I'm no fool. This has been all over the school”

Mason: “I'm sorry but-” 2/10
6/5/2019 Play Script - Google Docs

Coach: “Do you know how it makes me look, how it makes the team, the school looks? Our star

player out drunk making a fool of himself?! You've left me no choice, I have to kick you off the

team, you are a disgrace!

Mason: “NO! All my scholarships will be gone!”

Coach: I have no choice, you should have thought of that when you decided to guzzle down a 6

pack of beer.

Mason: “It wasn't my fault, they made me. No, they forced me!”

Coach: “I know it often feels that way son, but you have to remember that you always have a


Scene 4

(Peer Pressure Groundhog Day Scene)

Bully: Loser! *Pushes kid to the ground*

Kid 1: Yo man I wish he wouldn’t pick on that kid all the time. Maybe we should tell a teacher

about this.

Kid 2: Nah bro don’t be a snitch.

Kid 1: Yeah your right.

Other kid 1*Steps Up*

Other kid 1:Don’t allow yourself to be peer pressured like this lets try this again with some other


Bully: Loser! *Pushes kid to the ground* 3/10
6/5/2019 Play Script - Google Docs

Kid 1: Yo man I wish he wouldn’t pick on that kid all the time. Maybe we should tell a teacher

about this.

Kid 2: Nah bro don’t be a snitch

Kid 1: Maybe you're right. maybe that kid doesn’t want teachers getting involved but that doesn't

mean we can’t stand up for him.

Kid 2: Ard

*They approach the bully laughing with his friends*

Kid 1: Yo why don’t you leave Johnny alone he never does anything to you.

Kid 2:Yeah it doesn’t make you look cool you just look like a jerk.

*Bully walks off embarrassed*

*Other student 2 steps to front*

Other student 2: It is good to stand up to bullies but this won’t always work

Bully: Loser! *Pushes kid to the ground*

Kid 1: Yo man I wish he wouldn’t pick on that kid all the time. Maybe we should tell a teacher

about this.

Kid 2: Nah bro don’t be a snitch

Kid 1: It’s not about being a snitch put yourself in his shoes.

Kid 2: Your right man I wouldn’t want to get beat up all the time. Lets go talk to security.

*They both walk away*

*Other student 3 steps to front*

Other Student 3: That can work but it’s good to check with the kid being picked on before you do

anything 4/10
6/5/2019 Play Script - Google Docs

Bully: Loser! *Pushes kid to the ground*

Kid 1: Yo man I wish he wouldn’t pick on that kid all the time. Maybe we should tell a teacher

about this.

Kid 2: Nah bro don’t be a snitch

Kid 1: Nah man screw that I’m going to go talk to him.

Kid 2: Alright let's go.*Sighs*

*Walks over to kid on the ground*

Kid 1: Yo man you all right.

Johnny:Yeah I’m fine.

Kid 2: You want to talk to someone about that man I’m sorry that kid won’t leave you alone.

Johnny: No man I don’t want people to think I’m snitching that will make it worse.

Kid 1: If we go to Mr. Kelly he can handle it without making it a big deal, plus we’ll go with you.

Johnny: For real? Ok that sounds good thanks guys

*They all walk out together*

*Jon walks out from backstage*

Jon: So as you can see there are plenty of ways to help someone out whos being picked on. Put

yourself in their shoes it’s not snitching if you’re sticking up for someone who maybe can’t stick up

for themselves.

Scene 5

Max: What are some things you guys can do to combat negative peer pressure? points* 5/10
6/5/2019 Play Script - Google Docs

1st audience member: I can suggest we do something else instead and diffuse situations.

Deo: That’s a good way to do that, are there any more ideas? Points Yes! You!

2nd audience member: If you’re being pressured into not sticking up for someone else, you should

put yourself in their shoes and understand them in that situation. I’ve done this before and it’s

inspired me to help other people.

Isoiza: Wow, I’ve seen situations like that and when someone like you can step in and help people,

it’s really inspiring for others who haven’t built up the courage to help out. As a bystander you can

contribute a lot to peer pressure even if you are not direnctly encouraging the bad behavior, you are

basically telling people that it’s okay what is going on. We need more people like this to step in and

diffuse the types of situations. Are there any other ideas?

3rd audience member: I have a comment about that. I’ve been picked on before and I know what it

feels like to have bystanders stand there and do nothing. It almost felt like they were doing more

than the instigators. When someone finally stepped in to help, I realized that people cared and it

helped me to stand up for myself later.

Jon: That’s a good point, what are some of the reasons people are hesitant to step in and help

someone who’s being picked on? 6/10
6/5/2019 Play Script - Google Docs

Audience member 4: I’m scared to be called a snitch sometimes. That could make me not accepted

and it could even put me in danger of being picked on.

Audience member 5: I feel like there’s not just peer pressure against people who instigate but also

against bystanders. So much of this is about being accepted by people and when you stand out

from the group, you seem like and outsider and often times will not be accepted by those people


Max: Yeah, thats a real problem too and it’s something we need to address. We can all find the

strength within us to stand up to peer pressure. If you think something that someone’s doing is

wrong, the chances are that someone else does too.

Deo: If you stand up for people it shows other people that they can do the same.

Isoiza: Peer pressure has always been a problem and it’s one that just gets worse i high school but

if we show people that it’s not okay, we can stop some of these bad things from happening.

Jon: Thank you all for watching and answering our questions.

Scene 6

Everyone in the classroom talk each other 7/10
6/5/2019 Play Script - Google Docs

Max: *Yells* Everyone quick, I need study for this test

Isoiza: Wait, I have an idea that may just work. Why don’t we all say nothing about the test and

He will forget all about it.

Classmate 1: I don’t know about that, we could get in some serious trouble, I rather just take the

test and get the grade I deserve.

*Everyone stares at the classmate*

Isoiza: Come on, you’re the only person who’s against it. Stop making this an issue and just agree

Classmate 1: I mean, nevermind, we can go with your plan sorry.

Isoiza: Finally, thought you were gonna be a loser for a second

Scene*Older version of Mason sits down with student*

Kid: Mr. Mason I have been having some problems

Older Mason: What kind of problems son. I’m always here to help

Kid: These other kids have been doing things that I know are illegal and I dont want to do. I want

to fit in though. 8/10
6/5/2019 Play Script - Google Docs

Older Mason: You were smart to come to me with this before doing anything. I have a story about

this, when I was in high school I was actually quite good at basketball. I was the starting varsity

point guard and had scholarship offers to 3 division 1 colleges.

Kid: That’s awesome Mr. Mason!

Older Mason: I’m not done. Then one night me and a few other guys on the team went to a party.

A bunch of people were drinking alcohol and we’re pressuring me to try some. I fell into the trap

and ended up getting pretty intoxicated. The next day my coach saw a video someone took and I

was kicked off the team and lost my scholarships. I ended up playing ball at a community college.

Don’t get me wrong I like being a counselor and my life now is good but, who knows I could have

gone to the NBA. Never fall into the trap of negative peer pressure.

Work Cited:

1.Talks, TEDx. “Positive Peer Pressure in Schools | Leyla Bravo-Willey | TEDxTeachersCollege.”

YouTube, YouTube, 26 June 2014,

2. Mason, Rachael. "Peer Pressure: How it Affects You?" Sanford Web Md, 1 Feb. 9/10
6/5/2019 Play Script - Google Docs


3. "How Does Peer Pressure Affect a Teen's Social Development?" Scripps, 26 Jan.2018, 4648-how-does-peer-pressure -affect-a-teen-s-social-d ev elopment.

4. "Peer Pressure & Peer Influence.",

teens/behaviour/peers-friends-trends/peer-influence. Accessed 1 Jan. 2019.

5. Perrone, Lucy. "Peer Pressure Influences Student." Scot Scoop, 5 Feb. 2017,

6. "Peer Pressure: Its Influence on Teens and Decision Making." Scholastic, 2008,


7. Staff, Editorial. "Peer Pressure of Teen Drinking.",

teens/peer-pressure-drinking/. Accessed 8 Dec. 2017.

8. "How Peer Pressure Can Lead Teens to Underachieve—Even in Schools Where It's

'Cool to Be Smart.'" KelloggInsight, 2 Oct. 2018,

peer-pressure-can-lead-teens-underachieve-schools-cool-to-be-smart. 10/10

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