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The 5E Instructional Model

What is a 5E instructional model?

This model describes a teaching sequence that can be used for entire programs, specific units and
individual lessons. NASA eClips™ supports the 5E constructivist learning cycle, helping students build
their own understanding from experiences and new ideas.

What are the 5Es?

The 5Es represent five stages of a sequence for teaching and learning: Engage, Explore, Explain, Extend
(or Elaborate), and Evaluate.

ENGAGE: The purpose for the ENGAGE stage is to pique student interest and get them personally
involved in the lesson, while pre-assessing prior understanding. During this experience, students first
encounter and identify the instructional task. During the ENGAGE stage, students make connections
between past and present learning experiences, setting the organizational ground work for upcoming
activities. NASA eClips™ are designed to ENGAGE students. Through discussions, the videos may be used
to uncover students’ prior understanding. The video format arouses students’ curiosity and encourages
them to ask their own questions.

EXPLORE: The purpose for the EXPLORE stage is to get students involved in the topic; providing them
with a chance to build their own understanding. In the EXPLORATION stage the students have the
opportunity to get directly involved with phenomena and materials. As they work together in teams,
students build a set of common experiences which prompts sharing and communicating. The teacher
acts as a facilitator, providing materials and guiding the students' focus. The students' inquiry process
drives the instruction during an exploration. Students are actively learning through inquiry-based
science instruction and engineering challenges. Emphasis is placed on: Questioning, Data Analysis and
Critical Thinking. NASA eClips™ help students EXPLORE new topics on their own. Through self-designed
or guided exploration students make hypotheses, test their own predictions, and draw their own

EXPLAIN: The purpose for the EXPLAIN stage is to provide students with an opportunity to communicate
what they have learned so far and figure out what it means. EXPLAIN is the stage at which learners begin
to communicate what they have learned. Language provides motivation for sequencing events into a
logical format. Communication occurs between peers, with the facilitator, and through the reflective
process. Once students build their own understanding, they may use NASA eClips™ to help summarize
or EXPLAIN their own ideas. These segments introduce vocabulary in context and correct or redirect

EXTEND: The purpose for the EXTEND stage is to allow students to use their new knowledge and
continue to explore its implications. At this stage students expand on the concepts they have learned,
make connections to other related concepts, and apply their understandings to the world around them
in new ways. NASA eClips™ segments help students EXTEND and apply what they learned to new and
unfamiliar situations.

EVALUATE: The purpose for the EVALUATION stage is for both students and teachers to determine how
much learning and understanding has taken place. EVALUATE, the final "E", is an on-going diagnostic
process that allows the teacher to determine if the learner has attained understanding of concepts and
knowledge. Evaluation and assessment can occur at all points along the continuum of the instructional
process. Some of the tools that assist in this diagnostic process are: rubrics, teacher observation,
student interviews, portfolios, project and problem-based learning products. Video segments can be
used to determine students’ depth of understanding. Students will be excited to demonstrate their
understanding through journals, drawings, models and performance tasks.

Who developed the 5E model?

The Biological Science Curriculum Study (BSCS), a team led by Principal Investigator Roger Bybee,
developed the instructional model for constructivism, called the "Five Es". Other models have been
adapted from this model including the 6E and 7E models.

What is constructivism?

Constructivism is a philosophy about learning that proposes learners need to build their own
understanding of new ideas. Two of the most prominent constructivist researchers are: Jean Piaget
(stages of cognitive development) and Howard Gardner (multiple intelligences).
4 A’s of Lesson Planning

Activate Prior Knowledge

• Access prior knowledge / activate students’ schemas


Acquire New Knowledge

• Promote higher order thinking – enable students to make connections and

interconnections between the course material and real life experiences

• Foster inquiry throughout lessons and among students



• Consolidate what has been learned and make it relevant



• Assess what has been learned and what needs to be further developed


□ Gallery walk

□ Brainstorming

□ Concept mapping

□ Leaning logs

□ Guest speakers

□ Mini lessons

□ Active reading

□ Learning logs
□ Exit Slips

□ Sharing of products

□ Debriefing on process

□ Quizzes

□ Open and closed book tests

□ Think/pair/share

□ Small conferences

□ Games

□ Q&A

□ Viewing + listening

□ Note making

□ Group discussions

□ Journals

□ Performances

□ Publications

□ Real world activities

□ Scenario

□ BB 9.1 Assessments discussion


□ Clickers/poll everywhere/games
What is a 5E Lesson Plan?

The 5 E lesson supports inquire-based instruction. It allows children to make discoveries and to process
new skills in an engaging way. Teachers can also adequately plan power objectives more effectively by
using the 5E process. Children are not just learning with this method, they are more knowledgeable
about their own metacognition because they are coached along and not dictated by teachers merely
lecturing. The role of the teacher is to facilitate and support students as they use prior knowledge to
build new knowledge.

The 5 Es are:






When planning a lesson each of these areas should be completed. Often times these lessons may take a
few days to complete.

1. Engage

To engage means to excite and to draw your child or student's curiosity. It means to wow them in a way
that catches their attention. It is not forcing children to learn but inviting them to do so. This is how
lessons are introduce. It does not have to be difficult or overly detailed just interesting enough to open
students minds for the learning process to begin. Using technology to engage student learning makes
planning very easy for teachers in today's classrooms. Using Smartboard technology, videos,
illustrations, asking questions, KWL charts, reading a great book, acting out a character or even
introducing a game are ways to engage students at the beginning of a lesson.

2. Explore

Once students are fully in grossed in the lesson, intrigued by a video or maybe a book, now it is time to
allow them to explore the concept. Lets say I do a lesson on Camouflage, first I would engage them with
an informative video, explaining camouflage with animation. Now in the explore they will play lets say a
game where they will go out side and break up into teams. Each team will be given a minute to find as
many various colored strings scattered in the grass. The idea with exploring is to give the learner the
opportunity to practice or work with their new knowledge in some way. The most effective explorations
allow for mistakes or trial and error. Its is looking at a concept before discussing all the details, with
hopes that students will discover answers to possible questions through exploration.

3. Explain

Students now have an opportunity to hear from their educator. The teacher's role so far has been to
mainly facilitate learning, now they can use their expertise to answer questions students may have
about what they are learning. They also may pose questions to the student to see what they are able to
explain what they have learned. Checking for misunderstandings helps the teacher to observe what
objectives need to be clarified or taught. So for example, with the Camouflage Lesson, once the students
have picked as many strings as possible, they should count each color that they picked. Which color did
they pick up the most, which color did they pick the least amount of? Have them make a chart, so they
can look at their findings and compare as a group. Students should notice that they picked less green
strings because the green was blending in with the grass. They have more of a different color like purple
because of its contrast in color. This explaining is done without the teacher having to do much lecturing.
The lesson is reinforced by what the students have seen from their exploring.

4. Elaborate

Here the students can participate in an extension or a different activity that either re-teaches an
objective or teaches more details about the concept being taught. Here differentiation can be used. A
student above level will need an elaboration that extends or enriches the lesson. A student below level
will need perhaps a repeat of the same explore activity with more teacher input to guide students
through again to correct misunderstandings. Again with the camouflage, elaboration may be discussing
what other animals besides say frogs use camouflage? What elements in their habitat allow them to do
so? Or the teacher might say let's look at our charts again from the results of our game. Doing so will
allow him or her to re-teach or elaborate on what was misunderstood.

5. Evaluate

Finally, after the objectives are taught, it is time to assess. What have students effectively learned?
What do they not understand? What should be done to help them? Assessments do not have to be the
traditional quiz or essay. It can be a reflection, a project, book report, or a model. Like with the
camouflage lesson, the evaluation could an assignment where students come up with 5 facts about
camouflage and illustrate each in their own unique way. They might make a model, paint a picture, or
make a mini book with drawings and facts to illustrate what they learned. Using a rubric the teacher or
parent can now easily grade or make note of what is learned and of what needs to be retaught.
"When teachers have a firm foundation of content knowledge and mastery of effective instructional
skills, students are very likely to achieve at high levels. These seven tips can make that end result
possible. Everyone whose job involves teaching should consider and apply these tips. "

Tomorrow's Professor Msg.#1069 Seven Tips for Improving Instructional Skills: Reminders for Teachers


The posting below discusses seven ideas, or tips, on improving students' academic achievement. It is the
second edition of a presentation by Walter R. Jacobs, Jr., given at the Annual Meeting of the Association
for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), San Francisco, California, March 8, 2003. Jacobs is
the director, Higher Education & Leadership Preparation (H.E.L.P.) Inc. Atlanta, Georgia and Consultant
Doctoral Scholars Program Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) Atlanta, Georgia. he can be
contacted at: <>.


Rick Reis

UP NEXT: Mistaken Beliefs About Learning to Teach

Tomorrow's Teaching and Learning

--------------------------------------- 2,874 words --------------------------------

Seven Tips for Improving Instructional Skills: Reminders for Teachers

Introduction to the First Edition - Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Supervision
and Curriculum Development (ASCD), San Francisco, California,March 8, 2003

Teachers' content knowledge and instructional skills play a critical role in improving students' academic
achievement. This presentation focuses on seven ways to improve instructional skills, which often are
overlooked amid the daily give-and-take of the classroom.

The tips have been gleaned from my 38 years of observing teachers and tutors in classrooms and in-
service professional-development settings. Even so, the tips reflect extensive research studies and
professional opinions. The attached reference page lists some of these opinions and research findings.

While the tips are addressed individually to emphasize their importance, they need to be connected.
Each one has the same goal: improving teachers' abilities to promote critical thinking about the subject

When teachers have a firm foundation of content knowledge and mastery of effective instructional
skills, students are very likely to achieve at high levels. These seven tips can make that end result
possible. Everyone whose job involves teaching should consider and apply these tips.

Introduction to the Second Edition - Southern Regional Education Board (SREB), Atlanta, Georgia,
January 2011

In the interim between the first and second editions, there has been an explosion of information
rendered by technology. Except for Tip #4, reference to technology was not given serious attention in
the first edition. Now, teachers should use vigorously the rapidly expanding references on technology to
implement the seven tips. This is the guiding point of the second edition.
School is no longer just one learning place. Teachers must balance teaching applications in their lessons
plans with technological information that evolves from the wider learning community. The anticipated
result should be students' deeper learning on how to learn - from content, with respect to both critical
thinking and desirable character dispositions.

Tips #5 and #7 gave examples from the years 1992 to 2001. These examples were consistent with the
2003 publication. However, Tip #7 is now more precise with the June 2, 2010 Common Core State
Standards published by the Common Core State Standards Initiative. Nevertheless, students' reading
performances on current editions of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), examples
cited in Tip #7, still cannot be overlooked.

In 2008, the author, with Dr. Moses Norman, Chair of Education Leadership at Clark Atlanta University,
and June Weis, Consultant for SREB's Educational Technology Cooperative, presented A Plan to Help
Teachers and School Supervisors Implement 7 Tips to Improve Instructional Skills at the HSTW Staff
Development Conference in Nashville, Tennessee. Copies of the presentation documents may be
obtained from SREB.

Finally, the author has developed dialogues that teachers may use in classrooms to link academic course
content with students' critical thinking and character dispositions. Information in this regard may be
obtained also from SREB.

TIP 1: Help students combat fear of academic failure.

Research and professional opinions are focusing on effective ways to unravel the conditions that cause
poor academic performance. For example, Turner, Husman and Schallet (2002) recently addressed how
shame leads to academic failure. Demaray and Malecki (2002) looked at how students' perceived social
support is associated with various academic, behavioral and social indicators. In his book How Children
Fail, Holt (1995) contended that children fail primarily because they are afraid, bored and confused. I
strongly believe that fear is the precursor to failure. My observations indicate that fear of academic
failure manifests itself in student apathy.
Apathy is a good way to hide a fear of academic failure. Researchers at the University of Nebraska
reported during a Middle Schools Network session at the 1998 Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development (ASCD) convention that fear of failure was at the top of middle school
students' list of concerns, which also included drug/alcohol abuse, physical appearance, uncaring people
and unwanted pregnancies.

How can you help alleviate students' fear and the apathy it brings?

* Constantly remind students that they have the ability to do their assignments. Stress that you support
them, that you expect them to work hard to succeed and that failure is not an option.

* Include "real-world" connections when you demonstrate concepts and principles. Indicate how the
subject matter is meaningful to them now.

* Emphasize that good jobs in the future will demand mastery of the knowledge and academic skills you
are teaching them now.

* Help your students to believe that, as many prominent leaders have said, "the only thing we have to
fear is fear itself."

TIP 2: Determine grades based on academic accomplishments rather than on classroom behavior.

I routinely ask teachers these questions: "What really counts in your classroom to get a passing grade of
C? What really counts to get a grade of A or B?" Teachers repeatedly define the criteria for earning a C
as "doing the work, being in class, not creating a disturbance." They usually say that earning an A or B
involves "doing more than what's asked, never missing a day."

Unfortunately, none of those responses measures what students know and can do academically. Core
curricula and preparation materials for standardized tests describe the knowledge and skills that
students should have; please refer to these descriptions when you grade students' work. If you need a
guide for organizing your thoughts and judging whether students have mastered content, Bloom's
Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (1956) offers the following definitions of skills (which I have
abridged) that students should acquire:

Recall - to list and/or merely describe facts, information or ideas.

Comprehend - to have a firm understanding and to be able to put an idea into one's own words.

Apply - to use old information effectively in a new situation.

Analyze - to distinguish the parts of a concept, principle or formula and to show how the parts fit

Synthesize - to reassemble the parts of a concept, principle or formula in order to create a new product.

Evaluate - to measure facts or information against an "external yard stick" (a concept, principle, belief or

High-stakes tests, as described in the National Research Council's executive sum- mary High Stakes:
Testing for Tracking, Promotion, and Graduation (2001), commonly include many questions that involve
the bottom four objectives. Does your classroom instruction help students develop these skills that they
need for high-stakes tests?

TIP 3: Ask questions dealing with "how," "why" and "what if."

Many teachers have asked me how they may help students handle the critical thinking that underpins
important skills such as those described in Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. One clear way
is to ask questions about "how," why" and "what if." These questions are more involved and consume
more time, but students may be more willing to address such questions if you get your students
emotionally involved in the topic. Getting them emotionally involved in academics also can be useful in
reducing the academic achievement gaps among racial/ethnic groups, according to Bell (2002).

Discussion of any content may begin with simple questions:

"What is this?"

"When did it happen?"

"Who was involved?" or "Who did it?"

"Where did it happen?"

However, do not stop there. Whenever possible, continue with critical-thinking questions, such as:

"How is this done or organized?"

"How do the pieces fit together?" or "How is it related to _____?"

"Why do we need this?" or "Why did this happen?"

"What are some consequences of this idea, innovation, discovery, etc.?"

"What would have happened if this piece of information had been omitted?"

"What will happen next?" or "What comes next?"

As you prepare for classroom instruction, do you include such critical-thinking questions? In an article
about the "average teacher," Teacher Magazine (2002) reports that, "not surprisingly, most spend
abundant hours preparing for class, untangling red tape, and working to expand their knowledge and
professionalism." I contend that, despite the extensive time that teachers spend on preparing for class,
most pay very little attention to how to promote critical thinking by their students.

Many questions on high-stakes tests require critical thinking. If you do not give your students repeated
practice with these types of questions in the classroom, their test scores are unlikely to be what you
expect or desire!

TIP 4: Do not feel compelled to cover all specific topics in the textbook.

The textbook may provide the wide domain of information for an academic subject, and much of the
lesson plan is based on this information. Nevertheless, covering all of the specific topics in the textbook
is neither possible nor desirable for several reasons:
1.In this age of "information explosion," it is impossible to cover all parts of topics in a course.

2.Because it commonly requires two years to write, edit, print and distribute a textbook, some parts
may be obsolete by the time the book reaches the classroom.

3.Teachers are "constantly bombarded by information and by demands to do something about that
information," according to O'Day (2002). The same could be said of students.

4.Students remember information that comes to them through various sources in addition to textbooks.
Other sources may include the Internet, electronic refer- ences, additional printed materials from the
library, discussions, lectures, projects and term papers.

Some teachers still may be concerned that students will suffer on standards-based end-of-course tests if
some content in the textbook is not covered. On the contrary, students will suffer if they are not given
practice in organizing specific information around basic concepts and principles. This practice will enable
them to reason toward conclusions that otherwise may have been scattered throughout a mass of facts
about the topic.

Students will not be shortchanged if you do not cover everything in the textbook. However, you do have
to expose them to a variety of information sources. You will observe the results in improved academic

TIP 5: Use state and local standards to promote what your students need to know and be able to do in a
"global community."

Several national curriculum-reform initiatives were launched in the mid-1980s. Since then, there has
been vigorous concern about what students should know and be able to do. The current focus on
standards is a step in the right direction.

Making Standards Matter 2001 reveals that 29 states and the District of Columbia "... have clear
standards in the core subject areas of English, mathematics, social studies, and science at three
education levels - elementary, middle, and high school." Reform efforts to set standards have put the
emphasis where it belongs - on academics - but may not have gone far enough. For example, Making
Standards Matter 2001 reports that "... no state has a fully developed model curriculum - learning
continuums, instructional strategies, performance indicators, lesson plans - in the four subject areas."
While a focus on achieving the four components of a fully developed model curriculum is beneficial, it
can distract teachers from the "bottom line": what students need to know and be able to do to be
competent and competitive in a "global community." I submit the following "bottom lines" by subject

* English/literature - The student needs to develop strong skills in oral and written communication.

* Mathematics - The student needs to develop skills not only for making computations but also for
solving "real-life" mathematical problems.

* Science - The student needs to know and understand the fundamental concepts and principles of the
natural world and the importance of scientific inquiry.

* Humanities/history/social studies/the arts - The student needs to develop a sophisticated knowledge

of his or her cultural/ethnic heritage and a deep appreciation for all cultures.

In general, the "bottom line" for competency in a global community is that the student can gather
necessary information about himself or herself and about his or her environment and can make
appropriate decisions based on that information.

TIP 6: Build on what your students know; respect diversity of opinions.

Students will enter your classes with different views about the academic subject matter under
consideration. Some of these views may border on sheer superstition. However, it is important that we
take students from where they are to where they need to go. I agree with authorities who say that
students learn better when we present evidence for a fact or idea and permit students to debate the
evidence with one another. This approach requires you to play a greater role in promoting options to
various points of view. Here are some suggestions by subject area:
English/language arts - The key word is "communication." The language of "the streets" is not the
language of employment, business training manuals, college and technical school instructional
materials, sales contracts, standardized tests and the law of the land. Upward mobility is based on
standard English. Help students to respect this requirement regardless of the language they observe in
the media or "on the street." Consistently show that students must build their communication skills in
order to succeed in the "real world."

Mathematics - There may be several approaches to solving a mathematics prob- lem. In some cases, trial
and error may be the most efficient. Making a graph or chart, looking for a pattern, determining a
different representation of a quantity and estimat- ing proportions are other examples of problem-
solving approaches. Students certainly will need to know various approaches when they encounter math
questions on high stakes tests.

Science - Science is the discipline that most often involves the formation of new ideas from old beliefs
and theories. In this regard, an accepted teaching technique is to ask students what they think will
happen before carrying out a laboratory experiment. The variety of opinions may surprise you. Help
students discuss scientific evidence to promote the learning of laws, principles and big ideas.

Social studies - Students will memorize dates and events in history, locations of countries, and some
distinguishing features of the social sciences. They will recall this information for tests, only to forget
most of it afterward. You may help students retain information by demanding more critical thinking
related to memorized dates, events, geography and selected features. Ask questions such as "how does
this aspect of the subject fit into the main idea?" or "why is this date or event important?"

TIP 7: Especially in language arts, emphasize reading as a "literary experience."

To some extent, all instruction should involve the teaching of reading! Reading is important in science,
mathematics, social studies, foreign languages and fine arts. It is critical for academic achievement in
English/language arts. The reading frameworks developed by the National Assessment of Educational
Progress (NAEP) give us an idea of the levels of reading that students need to master.

These frameworks were organized around three purposes of reading: (1) reading for literary experience;
(2) reading for information; and (3) reading to perform a task. The 1992 and 1994 NAEP data show that
students had the most difficulty with questions associated with the first purpose. These questions
appeared to demand more critical thinking.

You may help students improve their critical-thinking skills by asking certain kinds of questions in class.
Certain questions also will reflect the NAEP-defined aspects of reading literacy. The following examples
pertain to reading for "literary experience" and to the NAEP reading-literacy aspects.

1.NAEP reading-literacy aspect: Initial understanding - The reader must provide an initial impression or
"unreflected" understanding of the material. What is this story/plot about? How would you describe the
main character?

2.NAEP reading-literacy aspect: Developing interpretation - The reader must go beyond the initial
impression to understand the material more completely. How does the plot develop? How did the
character change throughout the story?

3.NAEP reading-literacy aspect: Personal reflection and response - The reader must connect knowledge
from the text with his or her own background knowledge. How did this character change your idea of
________? How does this story compare with your own experience?

4.NAEP reading-literacy aspect: Demonstrating a critical stance - The reader must stand apart from the
text and consider it.

How does this author's use of __________ (e.g., irony, humor) contribute to _______?

What could be added to improve the author's argument?


Before your next teaching assignment, ask yourself this question: "What would I wish for my students
long after they have left me?" To make sure you are doing everything you can to implement the seven
tips pre- sented in this report, consider these questions:
* Will my students fearlessly engage themselves later in challenging academic work (TIP 1)?

* Will my students understand that their academic grades depend more on their academic
accomplishments than on their behavior (TIP 2)?

* Will my students understand the full range of questions associated with mastery of a subject (TIP 3)?

* Will my students know that they will have to gather information about a subject from sources other
than a textbook (TIP 4)?

* Will my students model the standards that I have set for them in order to be suc- cessful and
competitive in a "global community" (TIP 5)?

* Will my students respect different opinions about a subject as they learn more about it (TIP 6)?

* Will my students read more to have "literary experiences," instead of just to acquire information or to
perform tasks (TIP 7)?

Does your behavior encourage your students to do the things listed above? What you do every day will
determine whether your students carry the lessons you teach them into their lives beyond your


American Federation of Teachers. Making Standards Matter 2001: A Fifty-State Report

on Efforts to Implement a Standards-Based System. Washington, D.C.: American

Federation of Teachers, 2001.

Armstrong, Thomas. Multiple Intelligences. 3rd Edition. Alexandria, Virginia:

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. 2009.

Bell, L. "Strategies That Close the Gap." Educational Leadership (December

2002/January 2003): 32-33.

Bloom, B.S., ed. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational

Goals: Handbook I, Cognitive Domain. New York and Toronto: Longmans Green,


DeGennairo, Donna, Opening Digital Doors. Educational Leadership. November 2010.

Vo. 68. No. 3. Alexandria, Virginia: Association for Supervision and Curriculum

Development. 73-76.

Demaray, M.K., and C.K. Malecki. "Critical Levels of Perceived Social Support

Associated With Student Adjustment." School Psychology Quarterly (Vol. 17.3,

2002): 113-41.

Holt, J. How Children Fail - Classics in Child Development. Cambridge, Mass.:

Perseus Press, 1995.

Lawrence, Joshua R., Claire White, and Catherine E. Snow. The Words Students Need.

Educational Leadership. October 2010. Vol. 68. No. 2. Association for Supervision

and Curriculum Development. 23-26.

National Center for Education Statistics. What Does the NAEP Reading Assessment

Measure? Washington, D.C.: Institute of Reading Sciences, U.S. Department of

Education, 2002.

National Research Council. High Stakes: Testing for Tracking, Promotion, and

Graduation. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 2001.

O'Day, J. "Complexity, Accountability, and School Improvement." Harvard

Educational Review (Vol. 72, No. 3): 293-329.

Popham, W. James. Transformative Assessment. Alexandria, Virginia: Association for

Supervision and Curriculum Development. 2008.

Rothstein-Fisch, Carrie, and Elise Trumbull. Managing Diverse Classrooms -

How to Build on Students' Cultural Strengths. Alexandria, Virginia; Association for

Supervision and Curriculum Development. 2008.

"The Average Teacher." Teacher Magazine (November/December 2002): 30.

Turner, J.E., J. Husman and D.L. Schallet. "The Importance of Students' Goals in

Their Emotional Experiences and Academic Failure: Investigating the Precursors

and Consequences of Shame." Educational Psychology (Vol. 37, No. 2): 79-89

* In the late 1800s and early 1900s, two African-American women accumulated collectively almost 100
years of teaching service at what was called the Aberdeen Colored High School in Aberdeen, Mississippi.
One was my great-grandmother, the late Alzira Lomax. The other was her daughter, my grandmother,
the late Dora Lomax Hambric. I was privileged to have known both, and I dedicate these seven tips in
memory of them.

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