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Cameron Barbour

Elijah Aschbrenner was a young boy with a rare type of cancer, Epithelioid

Sarcoma. His family met my mother before he passed and my mother knew that she

needed to help in any way possible. The conversation came up with my mother and we

decided that she should put together a prayer gathering for Elijah. The gathering turned

from a thought to an action quickly. We wanted to have more than just local support so

we decided to set up a facebook live of the gathering and it became a huge success.

Around 900 people from all around the States joined on to watch the gathering go

down. I was incharge of getting the people where they needed to be and get everything

situated. A lot of the time I stayed with Elijah due to the fact that I used to help out

Jeremy Hawkins (a young boy with Batten’s disease). Even though Elijah was tired and

weakened he still managed to enjoy his time there with everyone who showed up. We

had more people than we did seats by the time it actually started. His family was more

than grateful with my families work for their son.

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