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Xavier cueto

The bravest of them all
Harper lee’s To kill a mockingbird is a novel about a family that has trouble with the
other people because of their father he defended an african american but at that time there was
racism.This was all because of a case that didn't happen true and the people hated the Finch
family for that so they had trouble with this guy named bob Ewell which was the prosecutor.My
character is a father to kids name scout and jem he is also a lawer which defends a black guy
name tom.His bravery was that that he defended a african american guy name tom even though
the whites would hate him for turning on his own race even though atticus didnt believe in
racismBravery to me is someone who is smart and that is not afraid of nothing or dosent care
what other people think of them because they have heart like a strong person should.The
bravest character in to kill a mockingbird is atticus.
The bravest character in to kill a mockingbird is atticus.Atticus proves he is the bravest
character by standing up for a african american guy name Tom Robinson.In the text,it states
that scout asked attcus “do you defend african americans atticus” atticus replied “of course I do
dont say the n word scout thats comman (p.75).This evidence shows that scout asked atticus if
he defended african americans,Atticus said of course I do as sign of respect to them and to not
call them n words because that was offensive and common in maycomb.In the story ,this shows
that Atticus is the bravest character because even though he knew whites would hate him for
standing for a black he still defended tom and didnt care what others said.

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