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Name: Tina Brozell

Argumentative Quick Write

Prompt: Choose an image that represents your topic. Then create a caption for your image that uses one or more of your sources to explain to your
reader the background, historical implications, or implications on today’s society.


Animals should not be used in trials for human medication surgery. Animal testing is a scientific expirement or test that an animal is forced to
undergo something that is most likely to cause them in pain, suffer, distress, or lasting harm. Through testing for animals, people believe they aren’t
going to get sick based on the fact that animal testing was in place so that the humans don’t get sick. Through people state as their recent truth "In the
name of science or medicine, animals are subjected to countless invasive, frightening and sometimes very painful procedures.”So killing an animal
to give humans proper care before they take the medicine is wrong and shouldn’t be happening. This further relates to the dog suffering from animal
cruelty because people used testing on that poor dog and now he was at the point to where he was going to die. Animals deserve better treatment and
shouldn’t suffer because humans want to abuse their animal rights.

Symon agrees with my claim but when he typed his claim he changed some words.
Symon says my most important piece of evidence was when I said that animals are suffereing with inclusive pain, and strugling with life because of

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