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Name: _________________________________ Date: _______________________

Argumentative Quick Write

Prompt: ​Choose an image that represents your topic. Then create a caption for your image that uses one or more of your sources to explain to your
reader the background, historical implications, or implications on today’s society.


People’s lives around the world are changed due to pollution and how it had affected them. People should be warn about how much pollution they
create and how it affects us. In the paper it states “​The northern Chinese city of Harbin was largely shut down by a thick blanket of smog,
underscoring China’s recurring battles with air pollution as it tries to keep its massive population warm, connected and employed.”The image
shows how a person is breathe in all of the pollution that is being produced by factories. Other think that pollution is not a being deal and some
don't try to stop it for the best of us. Other think that is ok to produce this much pollution and that is not as bad as we think “​The next step of the
process involves turning the leftover carbon into precious jewels. Thirty-two percent of Beijing’s smog is carbon, which under 30 minutes of
pressure can be turned into diamonds.” So, people think its ok to produce this much pollution just to make jewelry out of it and more stuff, but they
don't see how it affects are body and then we can die from breathing in pollution. So, the nose in the picture is suffering inside but can’t see what
pollution is happening in his body. In some cases the person cannot do anything about it that he has to breathe in the air. People in the world would
have to find a way to stop from pollution being in the air and killing us slowly by slowly.

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