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Most people in the United States are dealing with Obesity.

They’re putting themselves at risk to get sick

and has to deal with diseases and can prevent them from living a healthy life. CDC states that “ Children
who have obesity are more likely to have.High blood pressure and high cholesterol, which are risk
factors for cardiovascular disease.” “People who have obesity, compared to those with a normal or
healthy weight, are at increased risk for many serious diseases.” The image above shows how in less
than 10 years America's obesity percentage can be above 60%. But people can say that it’s just numbers
and it’s not going to affect them or there’s things such as “ healthy obese” like on Pros and Cons states
that “Many obese people live long, healthy lives.” So people not taking care of their body and not eating
the right food that their body needs is fine. Eating food that your body doesn’t need is healthy for you
now? People should understand and be careful what they be putting in they body and how they take
care of themselves.

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