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Name: ​Ariel R.

Castro ​__________________ Date: ​4/01/19​________________

Argumentative Quick Write

Prompt: ​Choose an image that represents your topic. Then create a caption for your image that uses one or more of your sources to explain to your
reader the background, historical implications, or implications on today’s society.


The image above shows an arm reaching past a rope stating to “kill the taboo and to reach out it is” this is referring to the taboo suicide. I chose this
picture because people need to speak up more about the taboo of suicide. That's because suicide rates have gone up by 60% within the last 54
years. The reason it's referring to this is that suicide is such a taboo topic and because of this the people who feel this way feel like they have
nowhere to go. In an interview with Romeo Vitelli, they asked him if he believes that social media will help get rid of suicide being a taboo and he
states “​It’s hard to say, the rise in anonymous trolling and cyberbullying has meant that vulnerable people can face attacks like never before. While
people contemplating suicide have access to resources that can help, the risks they face online are greater as well.” This shows that even nowadays
it is difficult for most people to discuss this topic if they went through it or are currently dealing with it even through the internet. I believe schools
should have suicide awareness days where they talk about the signs and what to do if you or a friend are feeling that way. Some people actually
believe we shouldn't talk about this topic because it is such a heavy and difficult topic to talk about but that's why we should talk about it and the
consequences of it. Another reason we need to talk about this is that approximately 1,000,000 people around the world take their own lives per

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