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Music is the art of expressing emotions and feelings through harmonics and in musical

notes through the different rhythms that compose it. It talks about the types of voices that
exist in music, the types of musical instruments, and its components.
Human voices are divided into two groups: voice of a woman or child, also called white
voices, and man voices. The female voices are three: soprano, mesozoprano y contralto.
While the male voices are low, tenor, and baritone. In this article we are going to discuss
two of the female women.
Musical instruments can be classified as wind, string, percussion and electrophones. Next,
we will talk about the wind instruments also called aerophones in the most recent
classification, generate sound through the vibration of a column of air that rubs with a
tongue, lips or vocal cords. as for example the flute, trumpet, saxophone.
The music has four essential elements that are: rhythm, melody, harmony and nuances.
The melody is an inseparable discourse of the rhythm. It is a succession of sounds and
silences, united with coherence in a linear sequence and with a horizontal base. The
rhythm has to do with the grouping of the sounds in a musical piece according to the
duration and the accents. Harmony generates chords or triads to regulate the concordance
between sounds that sound at the same time simultaneously. The nuances are related to
the intention, the color or the dynamic that is given to the music. They enrich the musical
To conclude the music could not exist without instruments. Although the voice is a natural
instrument that human beings have, music could never have evolved so much over the
centuries had it not been for all the other musical instruments that humanity has been

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