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Your brief Terms & Conditions of employment are attached = aturan dan persyaratan
kerja secara umum terlampir
2. You must eligible to be a responsible professional which is comply with your sort of
assignment = anda berkewajiban bertanggung jawab selaku profesional sesuai
bidang penugasan anda
3. The period of the Services may be reasonable extended upon mutual written
agreement = periode pekerjaan dapat diperpanjang berdasarkan perjanjian tertulis
yang disetujui oleh kedua belah pihak
4. The Services shall end within 44 ( fourty four ) months = pekerjaan akan berakhir
dalam jangka waktu 44 ( empat puluh empat ) bulan
5. That via may consider necessary = secara memuaskan
6. This assignment agreement will solely be no valid any longer after the Company
receive any form of rejection caused by your incompetency from Client =
kesepakatan penugasan ini batal secara sepihak tanpa kewajiban apapun pada
perusahaan jika penugasan anda ditolak Pemberi Tugas
7. And or caused by any of your hazardous misconduct = dan atau jika anda melakukan
tindak pelanggaran
8. In witness whereof = sebagai tanda persetujuan
9. Terms & Conditions of Employment = aturan dan persyaratan kerja
10. Says = T e r b i l a n g
11. Specific Condition = Aturan Tambahan
12. Stamp duty = Materai

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