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‘The Einstein Papers Project 1955-2005 ‘Tho publication of the Calta Papers o Als stein ha bon longstanding eto pro ject S far ine volumes of Eins oli tings nd corerpondence have been published nate’ fe and work rom 1679 012 Albert Einstein (1879-1085) lvd in Germany Sitatland nd vont rough six major epochs of modorn history tho vihelnine Empire, Word Werth Welmat Republi, Fascism, Woo War and the post war riod He had bon the prime mover ofthe tans formation of modern physics, starting withthe ulin of ie revohtionary papers the hotels flec and on the special hoor of reat in what wecall“the miraculous yer 1005," and became the most important sient after lane Nero, Einstein never wished for ‘memorial an nist that is ashes be szattored st an undislosed location. The instein Papers ated cay In bis lst wil an testament, stein bequeathed his entire iterary eta with no hoipod establish nd on whose baba he had 2 task of organising is wat agacy was nts ‘ft the axaatore of hin iterary estate his long ‘ime asston Mis Helen Dukas and his end Both Dukas and Nathan, decided that publica tin pla shouldbe nite with pst yet the proces uimately turned out tobe arduous sn at ines pall Not ony ai various compl catlons aie in the proces of allcting material pot an Fase various family branches di greed withthe exacitorsepading the status of physi and intellectual ownorsip to mater fa whch was variouyhold in private hands, Norris and archives as well a5 in stein for ner hoe and offi. Other sperts lt envisioned project needed ‘tobe caied and implemented, sch asthe pos ble ocation, funding sources, torial policies, sd management, Eventually the esely 1900, John Stachel, profesor of pyle at Boston Un verity fficialy bag the work of planning fr ‘what was alroay a highly changing entrpriso By that tine Helen Dulas and Oto Nathan, ih atsistnce and advice rom a number of historian a onganizd Entin's mans and etre tthe Institute fo Advanced Stuy in Pinta, whats Einstein ad worked since 1933, Dulas and Nathan corresponded with hunrods of nviual aitions, bras former frends, colleagues. and fry mabe over a pod of three decaes. By the mi 1960, thay ‘he orginal rin photocopy, rom the U.S. and rope, and had etal an ipreave cad catalogue which Dukas ha typed up. Btweon ‘Univesity staf, the catalogue was entered nto a were photographed on microfilm, evra har copies were produed, wile the erin Boat Archive a twas known by then, was erated and Archives atthe Joris National & University brary atthe Hebrew Univer in eras, nee thas resided ver sina len Duka died shorty thereafter, having devoted amast sc decades o Eten od bis acy. A biography ‘Te dtr project was tablished at Boston “Univers abuiding housing nary the Tae uty of Philosophy Princeton Uaiversty Pros. whos director Harb Bally had boon an ery and enthusiastic supporter ofthe poet ook onthe responsbity of pblshing the le format bound books, well as paperback companion translation projec. The eitors dciod that all of ‘unpublished, a well as dats, nteboks, scent ‘cand personal correspondence would apparin ‘hronologlcl oder, Unpublished materials would“ betaithflytranserted no stleneorectons of ‘ypographica or oher errs would be spi reprouce, ‘nul errors off o alton woud be ox sppesein facsimile while comparisons to drafts ‘the ootoes An Introduction and various Eaton Me and work Iwas tbe a project that combined ‘he most rigorous American and European eto al standards, wharey historical events, places ‘nd names, a5 well as siete developments would frm the cone ofthe dtaled scientific ‘The fst volume of insti’ papors was the most Ing his childhood and youth was extant, and ‘mong theta. one of hs moet remarkabe papers ‘onthe special theory of elativity, plished 1906, when Eastela was nly twenty yeas ‘od, were not avaiable, Nevertheless, the ears ‘embarked onan ultimately highly suoesfl hunt for unknown eters and dociments 0 that by 1987 the doeply personal and revealing eters between Albert Einstein and his classmate, sweet ea and frst wie Mv Mare coud be incl ‘ina volume that alo contained copies is final leaving examinations, his university notebooks and other hgh lus ting and never bene examinod materia: Ths chievenent ofthe iret editorial tam at Boston University contisting Jon Stachel senior itr agit with David Casi (now at Hofstra z£ weveten ~ ever 14 30- Ate Palo hep Doe, Plat B gperpcletn, Nap oT, Mecho Mara, KoA oF os eee Fe, dager M nn se Ht hap hee Qe Lig fol ab, Relafebttel 7 rae Fyhck len eli hp 98 Onsig Batata piblan SGT Od Ep ho da CONG in fea cE ll. ant Fan year unas Univer Rober Schuinana (nw resting sent aed and Fron Re (nw tthe Ma ron Panck osteo th History of Since in ss tet ern as follmed bys series of irtant etn zaeecs' Among them are the volumes documenting his senna gost revohtinary seientifc contributions be tween 1905 and 1916, incdedin Volumes 2-4, and most sine Einsteins strenuous pth towards sete achievement he gnarl ‘nor of relativity. Over the years, the eitori team, const of historians and philosophers cf since whose specialty Was the complex analy of Finals eanifc development ‘hystal, mathematical and concoptal founds tion of moder pyios incaded Martin Kein (Yale), A.J Ko now at he Uatversty of Amster am), Michel Janson (nwa he University of trbuting editors, graduate siden and eatral stall. Einstein scholarship has bento im ‘mensely fom ne insights gine ove the pst ‘ighten years. With most every volume, now ‘ograpies forthe general public are publish, and oar acelved view of isttndeopens and ‘ehanges. The four fst volumes covering ln stens writings wore followed by the fst volume lovato excosvaly to correspondence, ince the, the publshd volumes have bean vided tuto a Wings serie anda Correspondence series, division that was dictated bythe ising mbar of ters fer 1915. Thus Volume 5 cov- rd Einsti's corespendence rom 190210194, ‘glint ime period, while the latest Volume 9, published in 2008 only coversa period fs ‘wen months, ‘This dramatic ierease in Eastin’ corespom ence was doin large pat tohisising fame shorty after the end of Wool War is many ‘ional administrative responsible his status ‘= Germany’s preeminent scons, and his gra ‘engagement in soci plia, ad bomantar an cae. easin the spring of 1919, only sever oats afte the end ofthe war: the dsoltion ‘ofthe German emit, and before the Versa “rey had even ben oneided, that to British setronomicalexpditans set sal forthe north ester oat of Bran an the northwestern coast ‘of Aca o observe solar etpse or May 2, ‘The expition’s major oa wa est one ofthe ‘thee fundamental observational predictions of the theory of gnarl rltivy, ame that ight fsom distant tars wil be detected whan it passes the strong gravitational fil inthe vit of the un. Tha fil report nthe els of tho expo Aitons was published in England the all. As 2

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