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English Project: “_________ is the best destination”


Description: In this project the students have to promote a tourist place, give information about
the food, the tourist places and the activities / sports that a visitor can do.

Language: (What language should I use?)

The students have to use grammar and vocabulary learned in the course.
- Recommendations (should / shouldn’t)
E.g. You should try the delicious red wine.

- What you can do (can / can’t)

E.g. In this place you can take a lot of photos.

- History of the place (past tense / regular and irregular verbs)

Eg. The city was founded in 1821. / This place was discovered in 1911.

- Adjectives to describe places, dishes, activities (beautiful, exciting, interesting, etc.)

E.g. ceviche is a delicious dish, the cathedral is big and interesting.

- What you are going to do each day of the tour.

E.g. the first day you are going to visit a beautiful river.

- There is / there are.

E.g. in Ica there are a lot of clean parks, there is an amazing lake.


The students have to bring materials to the day of the presentation like:
Posters, slides, Prezi, music, typical customs, pictures, etc.

Flyer: Prepare a flyer in which you include photos and motivating phrases. deliver it to your
classmates the day pf the presentation.

Marketing Strategies:
The Students have to present a video of approximately 3 minutes in which they have to role
play a situation talking about the place they are promoting.

E.g. A: Mia you look very bored!

B: yes I am stressed because I work a lot.
A: my friend you should visit Ica , it is a beautiful place ….

- The students have to present their project advances in the dates indicated by the teacher.
- The day of the presentation the students have to wear formal clothing.
- The students have to bring their video filmed and edited.

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