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YOUNGER OLIVIA is dancing/posing/laughing, as if she is

pretending to be a model.

MUM (BACKGROUND VOICE): Wow, you could be a model when you

grow up!


Fade in:


Close up of OLIVIA’S hand slamming a car door.


Mid shot of OLIVIA standing by her car.

OLIVIA (angrily whilst attempting to lock her car and

failing): Ugh, come on you piece of shit! I need a new car!

There I was, ten years later at age 19, with a shit car.


Close up of OLIVIA’S feet walking across the car park.




OLIVIA standing in a mirror tying an apron around her waist.

You can probably tell that I’m not a millionaire, I’m a
waitress. I chose not to go to university after falling out
with my parents and moving out a year ago, as you can guess,
reality caught up with me and I needed to pay rent, so that’s
how I ended up here.

Mid shot of OLIVIA standing in front of the kitchen lights at


I mean it’s not all bad, at least I’m happy. And at this time
of the day, the restaurant isn’t busy, so that’s a bonus.

OLIVIA (shouting): Is this ready to go?!

CHEF (BACKGROUND VOICE): Yep, table six please!

OLIVIA walks out of the room with the plate of food.


OLIVIA walking through the restaurant, and stops as she gets

to the table where IVY is sitting.

OLIVIA puts the plate down on the table as IVY smiles.

OLIVIA (smiling to IVY): Enjoy your food!

OLIVIA turns around and begins to walk away as the camera pans
on her.

IVY (from the background): Hey excuse me!

OLIVIA turns around as the camera is still on her, she walks

back to the table.

OLIVIA (to IVY): Hi sorry, is something wrong with your food?

IVY (whilst beginning to stand up): I can see it now,

spotlights on you, cameras in front of you, front page of the
latest and greatest tabloids.

What the hell is she on about.

OLIVIA (confused): Sorry, I don’t really get what you mean?

IVY: Look – sorry, what is your name?

OLIVIA: My names Olivia.

IVY: Olivia, don’t be silly darling, you know what modelling

is, don’t you?
OLIVIA: Well. Yes.

IVY: Well then of course you know what I mean, have you ever
looked into it, gone to an agency, signed up online, anything
like that?! You know you look the part, absolutely stunning
darling! Such clear skin and (touches OLIVIA’S hair) amazing

OLIVIA (laughing): Are you kidding? I wouldn’t be working here

if I was a model, I’d be driving round in my fancy car
probably off to some sort of red carpet event! Anyway, enjoy
your meal!

IVY: Here, before you go, take my card and give me a call if
you do decide that you want that (raises eyebrows) ‘fancy’
life, rather than working… in a kitchen. My number is on there
just ask for me, Ivy, we have a great team and I just know you
would fit right in darling.


Close up of IVY handing a modelling card to OLIVIA.


Mid shot of OLIVIA looking at the card.

OLIVIA (in shock): Um, thanks?


OLIVIA walks away from the camera and puts the card in her
back pocket.


OLIVIA puts her apron and gets ready to go home whilst the
camera is in a mid-shot.


OLIVIA is sitting in her car and slams the door shut. The
camera faces her from the passenger seat.

OLIVIA gets ready to drive her car (puts keys in the ignition

It may not seem like much, but I have what I need. Friends, a
job and a home. Of course, I don’t want to be a waitress for
my whole life but I’m not sure if I can exactly be a model
just yet… or well, at all.

OLIVIA turns on the ignition of the car.




Mid shot of OLIVIA sitting brushing her hair, and then pulling
the modelling business card out of her pocket.

Close up of the card.

Close up of OLIVIA looking down (at the card).

Is this what is meant to happen? What if I never get another
opportunity like this? I need to go for it. I need to stop
overthinking it.

Close up of OLIVIA’S hand typing on her phone.

Mid shot of OLIVIA with her phone up to her ear.

OLIVIA (talking on phone): Hello, yeah um, hi, I’m calling to

talk to Ivy, I think that’s how you pronounce it? Oh yeah, I
can hold, not like I have anything better to do! (laughs).

OLIVIA makes a face whilst cringing.

Oh my god, Olivia, be normal!

OLIVIA looks around the room looking anxious and restless.

Suddenly OLIVIA jumps to a voice on the phone.

OLIVIA: Hi Ivy, its Olivia. I’m just calling from that card
you gave me today, you know, at the restaurant. Yeah, that’s
me, the waitress.

OLIVIA waits whilst listening to the response on the phone.

OLIVIA: You want me to come Wednesday, as in tomorrow? Like

Wednesday tomorrow?

OLIVIA waits whilst listening to the response on the phone.

OLIVIA: Yeah okay, um, let me just grab a pen to write all of
this down.

OLIVIA grabs a pen and a piece of paper and starts writing.

OLIVIA: Okay, yep, got that address down. What do I need to

wear? Oh anything, okay. Yes of course, 3pm, I’ll be there.
Thanks for this by the way, you know, like the opportunity and
all of that. Yeah okay, thanks again, see you tomorrow, bye.
Yeah, bye, bye.

OLIVIA slowly drags the phone down from her ear and then
breathes a sigh of relief.

OLIVIA sits on her bed and reaches for her laptop, she puts on
a pair of glasses and starts typing.

Computer recording of OLIVIA researching into modelling.

OLIVIA closes her laptop and gets up from her bed.

Close up of OLIVIA putting a song on her record player.

Mid shot of OLIVIA dancing and posing in her mirror.




OLIVIA leans on her counter whilst biting into a piece of

toast and messaging her friend. The messages appear on screen
as she types ‘I have news, meet me at the coffee house?’ to
which she gets a reply saying ‘You know I love a bit of
gossip, see you there in an hour girl!’.




Mid shot of OLIVIA and NOAH sitting in a café, a WAITER brings

two drinks over for them.

NOAH (to WAITER, flirtatiously): Thank you.

OLIVIA (to WAITER): Thanks!

OLIVIA and NOAH both drink their milkshakes, NOAH happens to
get some on his nose.

OLIVIA: Hang on stay still!

OLIVIA laughs as she takes a picture of NOAH, posing with

whipped cream on his nose then shows it to NOAH. They both
laugh and OLIVIA grabs a napkin and wipes it off.

NOAH (to Olivia): On a real note though, how fit is the waiter
over there?

OLIVIA: Noah, you fancy every waiter that ever serves you.

NOAH: Oh, come on though, he’s the best so far.

NOAH turns to look towards the side and winks as if the waiter
is in the distance. OLIVIA jokingly rolls her eyes.

NOAH: Right, enough about boys, what’s this news? Meet

someone? One-night stand?

OLIVIA: Oh my god Noah shut up!

NOAH: Oh, come on Liv, we’ve all had one! (Points thumb next
to him) Even grumpy old Mavis behind the counter!

OLIVIA and NOAH both laugh.

NOAH: Ok, real talk, what is it?

OLIVIA: Well, I can finally say goodbye to being a waitress! I

might be good enough for something, even if it’s just for my

NOAH: Oh my god, don’t tell me you’re going to be, you know…

(Holds hands up to his face)

OLIVIA (confused): What?

NOAH: A prostitute.

OLIVIA: (laughing) Noah what the hell are you on about, I got
asked yesterday by a modelling agent to come and do a try out
shoot today! They want me to work for them!

NOAH: (stands up) O.M.G, are you kidding me? (Bounces up and
down on the spot) This is amazing! (screams excitedly) My best
friend is going to be a model! You’re going to be a model!

NOAH hugs OLIVIA and they both jump up and down.

OLIVIA looks at her phone and looks surprised.

OLIVIA: Shit! I’m going to have to go home to get my stuff!

OLIVIA grabs her bag and does a quick handshake with NOAH.

OLIVIA (whilst leaving): See ya!

NOAH (IN BACKGROUND): Go smash it!




Over the shoulder shot of OLIVIA walking to her front door.

Close up of the keys unlocking the door.

Long shot of OLIVIA walking through the door.

Close up of her foot stepping on a magazine that has been

posted through the letter box.

OLIVIA picks the magazine up and looks at it.

I signed myself up for this. Does this mean I’ve made it? A
real live model? It’s what I’ve dreamt about, it can’t be real

Olivia sits in front of a mirror, holding the magazine up to

her face.

I just hope I’m good enough, I can’t let them down. This is a
once in a lifetime opportunity, Ivy has given me the break
that I’ve needed all this time.

OLIVIA brushes her hair and picks up a bag that she puts on
her shoulder.

Close up of Olivia grabbing her keys.




Mid shot of OLIVIAS back as she opens the door.

Low angle shot of OLIVIA speaking to IVY, who is sitting at an

office desk.

IVY: Oh, Olivia darling, you’re here! And five minutes early,
that’s better than most of the models round here, always
running in late, usually hungover (she laughs).

OLIVIA laughs nervously.

IVY: Don’t look so nervous, you’ll love it here! Besides, we

don’t like nervous looks in our shoots.

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