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It’s hard to make something of your life when you don’t have a place to call home.

This is a
basic necessity often denied or out of reach for those with criminal backgrounds. These are
often roads to discrimination, barriers to employment, and of course housing crisis. Of the 15%
of people that are homeless in Chicago, the government needs to do more to help the homeless
people and provide for them. If the amount of homeless people in Chicago is related to the crime
rate and the inability to purchase a home post incarceration then we can find programs that help
felons find housing.

Almost 60,000 people a year enter a homeless shelters immediately after incarceration. This is
because after attaining a criminal status it’s harder to get people that’ll sell you a house or rent
one to you. Homeless struggle with houses because of the lack of jobs that are willing to hire a
felon or even a homeless felon. Even worse people with multiple incarcerations have a higher
chance of becoming homeless compared to others with returning from only one prison
sentence. Those who have been incarcerated more than once have a higher chance of
becoming homeless, those people are more affected.

Youth who accumulate small misdemeanors for petty crimes that go unnoticed can create
future problems and possibly repeat offenders that’ll soon lead to felons.Today’s youth could be
tomorrow’s homeless. The path that 2019’s youth is going with small locks ups in juvenile
detention centers could lead to a future on the street.Today’s youth could be tomorrow’s
homeless. The path that 2019’s youth is going with small locks ups in juvenile detention centers
could lead to a future on the street.

Older citizens with criminal records have an increased risk of becoming homeless without the
option of public housing. Crimes committed at a younger age can cause you to lose housing at
an older age and obtain a record that can’t be erased. Those senior citizens who have
accumulated criminal backgrounds in their past have poorly affected their future. Committing
crimes when you are younger can deeply affect you in your older years.

In conclusion, homelessness affects many things. It affects things like your future, and thing
like trying to receive housing or public assistance. Minor mistakes during youthful years can
really come back to haunt you. Making mistakes in your past can hurt your future, have you
discriminated against, and out on the streets. It is important that Chicago reaches out to their
youth and help them not lead to this future. Also in helping those who are older find homes to
live in so that can prevent homelessness. If Chicago comes together and help seeking answers to
an ongoing problem we can end homelessness here.

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