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Austin ice cream festival

What is it?
The perfect way to cool off from summer heat, a festival where
people from all ages can go, and enjoy of contests, concerts,
games and ICE CREAM!!!
Where is it?
The Austin Ice Cream Festival is held at Waterloo Park, 1301
Trinity Street in downtown Austin.
Why is it important?
The Austin Ice cream festival is important, to Austin TX and to the
United States, because the money collected from all the activities,
is given to several charities, helping lots of people and also
because it is in summer, is the perfect way to do something
different and spend time with family and friends
Main activities
The are lots of activities but, from all of them, really stand out the
homemade Ice cream making contest, that consists of preparing
the best ice cream in town, also the eating ice cream contest, that
consists of the person who can eat more ice cream in a defined
period of time.

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