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Monique Munoz

Professor Knott-Silva

HED 044


Discussion #4 Reflection

Going online and looking at tons of people with unrealistic bodies can have you

questioning if you like your body. You might be content with your body but I feel as if social

media makes you insecure. Eating disorders are real and they affect many people today. Social

media plays a big role in that because you constantly see people getting praised, these people are

attractive and have an insane body. I have been affected by this and most of my friends have

been affected by this. My best friend always shows me a picture of girls on Instagram and says

“She’s so pretty, I wish I looked like her.” I know that’s a very common conversation among

friends and family.

Thinking back on this assignment and looking at the image I chose, I started thinking if

I'm happy with my body. I came to the conclusion that even though I'm not thin, I kind of like

my body. There is always room for improvement but I am content for the time being. Some days

it is hard because of social media and all of these celebrities that are paper thin. I would hope that

my future kid doesn’t suffer through this and can learn to except themselves. I think it is really

sad that people constantly judge themselves, you’re your biggest critic. Thinking that you aren’t

good enough can be really dangerous because that’s how anorexia and bulimia form. If people

are feeling this way, I would recommend that they take a break from social media.

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