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Monique Munoz

Professor Knott-Silva

HED 044


Cardiovascular Disease Mini-Case Study Reflection

This assignment taught me the risks and ways to prevent heart disease. Heart disease is

one of the leading causes of deaths in the United States. I think this is because we have so much

fast food and people tend to eat so bad in the United States. It is so easy for college students to

just pick up food on their way to class. They think this is the easiest option when they only have

10 minutes to eat and don’t have time to make food for themselves. I’ve found myself making

the decision to sleep a little longer or making myself lunch. Sleep has always won and I end up

getting fast food. From the study, I realized that girls are more worried about getting certain

cancers than heart disease.

If you know that heart disease runs in your family, going to the doctors for a checkup is

the smart thing to do. It is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your health. We

only have one body and we usually tend to abuse it. If we cared about our bodies a little more,

we would be able to prevent diseases. By changing your eating habits and exercising more, you

will already be doing something to prevent heart disease.

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