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Monique Munoz

Professor Knott-Silva

HED 044


FITT Principle Reflection

The FITT Principle and Workout activity made me realize that I didn’t work out as much

as I thought I did. As I realize now, I don’t have much physical activity these days. I sit most of

my time at work and I stopped going to the gym. Doing this activity made me realize that I have

to do a variety of physical activities every day. I also learned that there are different intensities of

the workouts you should be doing and switching up every day. Another thing I learned was that

you should incorporate yoga in your daily routine. I didn’t even know yoga was that important in

your weekly exercise.

I have never even heard about the FITT principle until this assignment. The F stands for

frequency, the I for intensity, T for time, and the last T is the type. You have to incorporate

cardio and resistance training in your week. You also have to have aerobic and anaerobic

exercises. Something I noticed while doing this assignment is that I don’t really stretch before I

work out. That is really bad because you can pull a muscle and really injure yourself. The FITT

principle taught me that it is very important to start your exercises with a stretch. Stretching is a

big part of the FITT principle.

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