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Bash Shell Scripts

Writing Bash shell scripts

Bash shell scripts are text files

Text files most efficiently built with programming editors (emacs or vi)
File must be executable and in search path
chmod 700 my_script
PATH environment variable may not include .!
An example shell script:
#My first script
echo "Hello World!"
Bash Shell Scripts

Writing Bash shell scripts

Compile a Verilog file with vlog
if [ ! d work ] ; then
echo work does not exist, making it
vlib work
if [ ! s adder.v ] ; then
vlog adder.v
work directory must exist before compilation
Get scripts via wget, eg:

Bash Shell Scripts

Writing Bash shell scripts

File attribute checking
if [ ! s junk_dir ] ; then
mkdir junk_dir
Spaces around brackets are needed!
File attribute checking
d exists and is a directory
e, a file exists
f exists and is a regular file
s file exists and is not empty

Bash Shell Scripts

Writing Bash shell scripts

Compile Verilog then run a simultion
if [ ! -d "work" ] ; then vlib work
if [ -s "adder.v" ] ; then
vlog adder.v
#runs simulation with a do file and no GUI
vsim adder -do quiet c
echo verilog file missing

Bash Shell Scripts

Writing Bash shell scripts

vsim command and arguments
vsim entity_name do quiet -c

-quiet (do not report loading file messages)

-c (console mode, no GUI)
-do (run vsim from a TCL do file)
+nowarnTFMPC (don’t warn about mismatched ports, scary)
+nowarnTSCALE (don’t warn about timing mismatches)
Try vsim help for command line arguements

Bash Shell Scripts

Writing Bash Shell Scripts (TCL Script)

In another text file, we create a TCL script with commands for the
simulator. The bash shell call to vsim will run the TCL script. First,
add some waves.

#add all signals to wave window

#add wave -r -hex /*
#or add signals one by one
add wave -hex clk
add wave -hex reset_n
add wave -hex first_select
add wave -hex rd_fifo
add wave -hex data
add wave -hex acc_out

Bash Shell Scripts

Writing Bash Shell Scripts (TCL script)

Add a tabular output for automatic checking (list file) to the TCL
script for vsim.

add list -nodelta

configure list -strobestart {99 ns} -strobeperiod {100 ns}
configure list -usestrobe 1
add list -notrigger -hex -width 12 -label data data
add list -notrigger -hex -width 12 -label acc_out acc_out
add list -notrigger -hex -width 12 -label first_select first_select

Bash Shell Scripts

Putting it all together

If our TCL script has the command:
write list adder.list
it will write out the simulation results to adder.list like this:

ps data acc_out first_select rd_fifo

99000 22 000 1 0
199000 22 000 1 0
299000 22 000 1 0
399000 22 000 1 0
599000 22 000 0 0

Could we compare this data against another file? Sure!

Bash Shell Scripts

Putting it all together

To compare against a golden vector file, first make a verified correct
first run, and save the results. These are the golden vectors.

#after the first run of vsim, save the vectors off to the side:
vsim adder -do -quiet -c +nowarnTFMPC +nowarnTSCALE
mv adder.list adder.golden.list

## other stuff happens right here ##

#after the second run of vsim, compare the two list files
diff adder.list adder.rtl.list >| diff_report

if [ ! -s "diff_report" ] ; then

Bash Shell Scripts

Putting it all together

File redirection
> write to file, but no clobbering
>> append output
>| clobber (overwrite) the file

Bash Shell Scripts

Putting it all together

Shell variables and looping
-dollar signs dereference variables
#compiles verilog cell library into local work directory
echo "Compiling verilog source files in directory: $verilog_file_dir"
for verilog_source in ‘ls $verilog_file_dir‘
vlog $verilog_file_dir/$verilog_source -work work

Bash Shell Scripts

Putting it all together

Make sure you remove old list files so you avoid false compares.
for listfiles in ‘ls *.list‘
rm Rf $listfiles
echo "--> deleting listfile $listfiles <--"

Split output
vlog my_module.v | tee compile_log
output goes to screen and to the file


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