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What are similarities and differences of how animals swim?

 Peaches the guinea pig
 Roche the crested gecko
 Choco the mouse
 Cookie the rat
Rationale: Our rationale is that this will let you know if you
have one of these pets you will know if they can swim and for
how long. We will also see if they like it or if they do not like, so
if they like it then you can put them the animals we researched
on in the water and they can have a lot of fun.
What we know from our research:
From our research we learned mice can swim up to 3 days!!
They can hold their breath for 3 full minutes.
Sites we used for research:

Our Hypothesis:
Meilene’s hypothesis is Roche is going to have the weirdest way
of swimming
Gabby’s hypothesis is Peaches will swim weirdest.
Hailey’s hypothesis is that Cookie’s way of swimming and
Roche’s way of swimming will be the most different and
Choco’s way of swimming
Materials: If you want to do the exact things we did then you
will need these materials:
 Guinea pig
 Mouse
 Crested gecko
 Rat
 Big clear bin
 Small clear bin
 Lots of water (A LOT OF WATER!!!) (IN THE BIN)
 Get a screen that you can record your
 experiments on
Steps of our experiment:
1.First get all of the animals (guinea pig, crested gecko, a
mouse, and a rat.)
2. Get a big bin.
3. Get a lot of water then put in your chose animal.
4. Make sure your chosen animal can barely touch the bottom
of the bin.
5. Watch your animal swim.
6. Take on animal and dry them off.
7. Dump water and refill with new water.
8. Repeat with all animals from step 4.

Guinea pig Rat Mice Crested gecko
Uses doggy paddle, Quick, sleek, looks like it Slow, water is an obstacle Very fast, slim legs move
was made for water through water quickly,
medium speed tail helps propel gecko

From our results we figured out that Roche had one of the
weirdest ways of swimming and that the rest of the animals
swam very similar to each other

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