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Ist Sitting ‘Time: 9.00 a.m, to 12,00 noon 28.05.2019 CORE —XUT Socio., Geag,, Home Sc, Music, Psycho, Math.(Arts/Sc.), ‘20 Sitting Time: 01.00 p.m. to 04,00 pn. CORE ~ XII Pol.Sc, Commerce Paper-361, Urdu, Sanskrit, Khortha. Vocatlonal-CORE Socio, Geog,, Home Sc, Music, Psycho,, Math.(Arts/Sc.), Anth, PASS COURSE ONLY 01.06.2019 Hist, Physics, chem, Botany, Zoology, Geol, ass COURSE ONLY tee Reg. Lang, Sans., Eng., Hindi ‘CORE = DSE-IT Socio., Geog,, Home Se,, Music, Psycho,, Math, (Arts/Se., Anth, GE/DSE Chem., Economics, 03.06.2019 04.06.2019 E+ Hist., Physics, Chem., Botany, Zoology, PASS COURSE ONLY GE/DSE -Com.(363)-Principles & PASS COURSE ONLY ‘CND, Biotech. |MC-601, TLP-361, BCA-C6001 GE/DSE BBA-(361) Com.(361)-Auditing & Corp.A/C, | PASS COURSE ONLY Anthropology (Arts/Sc.) GE/DSE Psychology, Geog, Home Sc. p 29.05.2019 | CORE - XIII CORE = XIU Hist, Physics, Chem,, Botany, _| Eco,, English, Philosophy, Hindi, L Zoology, Geol., PASS COURSE ONLY PASS COURSE ONLY GELDSE GE/DSE Political Science, Botany © _| 30.05.2019 | =xIv CORE 3 Pol.Sc., Commerce Paper-362, Urdu, Sanskrit, Khortha. Vocational Core-BCA (6002, BBA(362), Biotech DSE-IIT PASS COURSE ONLY GEADSE = Philo.. Com. Application in Business. Computer Eco., English, Philosophy, Hindi, is E CND, TLP-362, BCA-C6003. Biotech. DSE-IV SORE = DSE-IT Pol.Se,, Commerce Paper-363, Urdu, Sanskrit, Khortha. Vocati JMC-603, TLP-363, BCA-C6004, BBA-(3 CND DSE-IUl. PASS COURSE ONLY. GE/DSE Zool ‘CORE= DSE-UT Eco., English, Philosophy, Hindi, LSW GE/RSE Math., Sociology, 3), Practices of Insurance Umesh/C30P-Il, 08 Prog. 4/27/2019 07.06.2019 08.06.2019 Ist Sitting ‘Time: 9.00 a.m, to 12,00 noon CORE —DSE-V Geog,, Home Se, Music, Psycho. Math.(Arts/Sc.), Anth. S GE/DSE Geol, History, Hist., Physics, Chem., Botany, Zoology, ze Sieting ‘Time: 01.00 p.m. to 04.00 p.m. ‘ORE = DSE! Pol.Sc, Commerce Paper-364, Urdu, Sanskrit, Khortha. Vocational-BCA 6006, BBA-(364), Eco., English, Philosophy, Hindi, LW ‘atlonal-CORE JMC-604, TLP-364, BCA-E6007, BBA-(365) 3c, 0% Students SEC-Entrepreneurship Development provision of the conduct of Examination Act 1904 and directive of the Hon’ble High Court, Patna, dated 22.12.1995 will be strictly implemented for fair conduct of examination. havscpecial marking by the examinees or any other person for the purpose, Of “nauthorized deflance of tg coding of the answer book is prohibited and even ‘punishable under the regulations. wy ekwesirable material such as Mobile and Programmable calculator are strletly prohibited. Fa eee required to bring thelr “ADMIT CARD" on ench day of examination, without which he/atie may not be alowed to appoar in the examination a eeaee aay rected to verfy the examinaion progranume from their respective colleges Seems be no re-examination in cise of walkout or cancelation af ecamination. 4. practical examination wil be commence after theory pape. 34 pier ofthe Vice-Chancellor mt sa/- (Birendra Kumar Gupta) Controller of Examinations Memo No.VBU/Ex-.......28. 2019 Dated- Bat {20/F Copy t ‘All Principal under V.B.U., for information. District Judge, Hazaribag, Koderma, Ramgath, Gi D.C. /S.P. , Hazaribag, Koderma, Ramgarh, Giriit Civil SD. 1 2 ih, & Chatra Dist. a & Chatra Dist 4 | Hazariba, Giridih, Ramgarh, Chatra & Kederma Dist. Sariya SDM. 5. Concemed Centre Superintendent, under V.B.U, 6 Director, Computer Cell, Examination Dept V.B.U. 1. 8. 9. 1 Registrar & F.0., V.B.U,, for information Confidential section/ Account Seetion/ St. Exam, V.B.U. Q PA. to V.CuP.V.C., for kind information _ the V.C a , (0. University website (veww.vbu.0 fee (Birendra Kumar Gupta) oe of Examinations O- Unnesh/C30/P-11, 08 Prog. 4/27/2019

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