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 Gnome Depot.
 Balthar's Blunts & Blades
 Bloodbath and Beyond
 Rusty's Discount Sword Emporium
 Hammer Time
 Curious Forge
 Mr. & Mrs. Smith
 Metal Matters
 Kronk's Krushers and Kleavers (Orc Blacksmith)
 The Fancy Forge
 The Big Hammer
 The Block and Anvil
 The Iron Skillet
 Volcano Forge Services
 Magma Man

 The Snapped String
 Straight Arrow Co.
 Target
 Aster's Winch
 The Pointy End
 The Oak and Sinew
 The Bound Accuracy (one of my favorites)
 The True Shot
 The Hunter's Mark
 Swish 'n' Stab
 Featherfall Emporium
 Straighten Arrow Path

 The Crying Cow
 King's Cow Leathers
 Tan My Hide Leather Emporium
 Bracers and Bootstraps
 Now You Dye
 The Hide Hide
 Big Tanner
General Store
 Trinkets and Baubles
 General Nonsense
 Harkin's Dry Goods
 The Big Deal Storehouse
 Crow's Nest Fishing and Tackle
 The Ration Shoppe

Potion Shop/Alchemist
 Every Day Elixirs
 Victorious Secret
 Bottle Shock
 The Secret Ingredient
 Rosie's Cauldron
 The Green Thumb Apothecary and Herbalist

 Wall-Mart
 Rocks and Rubble
 Careful Carvers
 Hammer and Chisel Stoneworks

 The Drunken Miner
 Lucio's
 The Sober Dwarf
 Slaughtered Ox
 The Old Pine
 The Hole
 Sniling Goat
 Dirty Mug
 Human Male First Names: Anlow, Arando, Bram, Cale,
Dalkon, Daylen, Dodd, Dungarth, Dyrk, Eandro, Falken, Feck,
Fenton, Gryphero, Hagar, Jeras, Krynt, Lavant, Leyten, Madian,
Malfier, Markus, Meklan, Namen, Navaren, Nerle, Nilus, Ningyan,
Norris, Quentin, Semil, Sevenson, Steveren, Talfen, Tamond,
Taran, Tavon, Tegan, Vanan, Vincent

Human Female First Names: Azura, Brey, Hallan, Kasaki,

Lorelei, Mirabel, Pharana, Remora, Rosalyn, Sachil, Saidi, Tanika,
Tura, Tylsa, Vencia, Xandrilla

Human Last Names: Arkalis, Armanci, Bilger, Blackstrand,

Brightwater, Carnavon, Caskajaro, Coldshore, Coyle, Cresthill,
Cuttlescar, Daargen, Dalicarlia, Danamark, Donoghan, Drumwind,
Dunhall, Ereghast, Falck, Fallenbridge, Faringray, Fletcher, Fryft,
Goldrudder, Grantham, Graylock, Gullscream, Hindergrass,
Iscalon, Kreel, Kroft, Lamoth, Leerstrom, Lynchfield, Moonridge,
Netheridge, Oakenheart, Pyncion, Ratley, Redraven, Revenmar,
Roxley, Sell, Seratolva, Shanks, Shattermast, Shaulfer, Silvergraft,
Stavenger, Stormchapel, Strong, Swiller, Talandro , Targana,

Dragonborn Male Names: Andujar, Armagan, Armek, Arzan,

Axaran, Belaxarim, Brevarr, Djemidor, Draxan, Fayal, Grax, Iojad,
Inzul, Khiraj, Kreytzen, Lejek, Mar, Nazir, Nedam, Nevek,
Ravaran, Razaan, Sarax, Sarram, Savaxis, Siangar, Sirizan, Sunan,
Szuran, Tajan, Tamajon, Tenahn, Toxal, Tzegyr, Vantajar,
Vharkus, Xafiq, Zarkhil

Dragonborn Female Names: Artana, Kalas, Khagra, Leytra,

Myrka, Naya, Sarcha, Shirren, Sirivistra, Sufana, Tamara,
Vrumadi, Zovra

Dragonborn Last Names: I don’t have a list of dragonborn last

names, since so few dragonborn in the Iomandra campaign have
them. However, if you’re hunting for something, check out some of
the made-up ship names at the end of this page.

Dwarf Male First Names: Agaro, Arnan, Auxlan, Avamir,

Baelnar, Balfam, Bariken, Borkûl, Darkûl, Dolmen, Dyrnar, Erag,
Ezegan, Ferrek, Garmûl, Glint, Ghorvas, Grimmalk, Haeltar,
Halagmar, Halzar, Hlant, Korlag, Krag, Krim, Kurman, Lurtrum,
Malagar, Mardam, Maulnar, Melgar, Morak, Orobok, Rogath,
Roken, Rozag, Sabakzar, Sharak, Smethykk, Swargar, Thorbalt,
Dwarf Last Names: Ambershard, Barrelhelm, Copperhearth,
Deepmiddens, Drakantal, Evermead, Garkalan, Grimtor,
Hackshield, Irongull, Markolak, Ramcrown, Rockharvest,
Silvertarn, Skandalor, Zarkanan

Elf Male First Names: Alarcion, Alathar, Ariandar, Arromar,

Borel, Bvachan, Carydion, Elgoth, Farlien, Ferel, Gaerlan, Iafalior,
Kaelthorn, Laethan, Leliar, Leodor, Lorak, Lorifir, Morian, Oleran,
Rylef, Savian, Seylas, Tevior, Veyas

Elf Female First Names: Aryllan, Atalya, Ayrthwil, Irva, Lyfalia,

Ronefel, Thirya, Velene, Venefiq, Zereni

Elf Last Names: Autumnloft, Balefrost, Briarfell, Evenwind,

Graytrails, Mooncairn, Riverwall, Stormwolf, Summergale,
Sunshadow, Woodenhawk

Halfling Male First Names: Arthan, Carvin, Corby, Cullen,

Egen, Ernest, Gedi, Heron, Jeryl, Keffen, Kylem, Kynt, Leskyn,
Neff, Orne, Quarrel, Rabbit, Rilkin, Snakebait, Tarfen, Titch, Tuck,

Halfling Female First Names: Caliope, Emily, Piper, Rixi,

Sabretha, Teg, Tilly, Toira, Vexia, Vil, Vzani, Zanthe, Ziza

Halfling Last Names: Angler, Battlestone, Blackwater,

Daggersharp, Deepstrider, Hollowpot, Puddle, Raftmite, Skiprock,
Silverfin, Tanglestrand, Tricker, Willowrush, Yellowcrane

Tiefling Male First Names: Ankhus, Arkadi, Armarius,

Armillius, Archidius, Balmoloch, Calderax, Cavian, Cenereth,
Chorum, Corynax, Dacian, Daelius, Damaceus, Decimeth,
Demedor, Demerian, Dynachus, Grassus, Halius, Heleph, Incirion,
Kalaradian, Kamien, Kazimir, Kzandro, Machem, Maetheus,
Malfias, Marchion, Menerus, Namazeus, Nensis, Prismeus,
Pyranikus, Razortail, Sejanus, Severian, Suffer, Syken, Tarkus,
Vaius, Xerek, Zeth, Zevon

Tiefling Female First Names: Affyria, Cataclysmia, Domitia,

Dorethau, Excellence, Hacari, Iritra, Lachira, Levatra, Mecretia,
Milvia, Nericia, Precious, Rain, Samantia, Sunshine, Tenerife,

If your character wasn’t an adventurer, what livelihood would they lead?
 Who in the party would your character trust the most with their life?
 What are your character’s core moral beliefs?
 What relationship does your character have with their parents and siblings?
 Does your character have any biases for or against certain races?
 What is your character’s opinion on nobility? On authority?
 Describe your character’s current appearance: clothes, armor, scars they’ve
picked up along the journey, etc.
 What location encountered in the campaign has your character felt the most
“at home” in, or just generally liked the most?
 What deity, if any, does your character worship? What’s their opinion on
other people’s worship?
 If your character had time to pick up any artisan’s tools, game set, instrument,
etc., what would it be?
 Describe your character’s current relationship with the player character sitting
to your right.
 What is your character’s current goal, summed up in one sentence?
 Does your character ever want to “settle down” with a spouse, children,
house, etc.?
 Has your character ever been in love?
 What battle in the campaign has been most memorable to your character?
 If your character wasn’t whatever class they are, what would they be instead?
 What is your character’s favorite season?
 What would your character’s Zodiac sign be, following stereotypical
 Where in the world does your character most want to visit?
 What is the biggest mistake your character has ever made?
 Does your character have any noticeable scars? If so, what are their stories?
 What animal best represents your character?
 If your character could go back in time and change one thing about their life,
what would it be?
 Which other player character does your character find themselves having the
most in common with?
 Does your character regret any particular choice the party has made?
1. A tall and husky Gold Dragonborn, clad in bright colored and decorative
clothing, sits on an equally ornate rug. He’s fidgeting with something in
his mouth. It’s has a small garnet, chipped by his teeth and covered in
spit. He has a small pouch in his vest full of these gross little gems. He
sells very beautiful jewelry, thankfully with no bite marks.
2. Two very young Halfling brothers are making dumplings. The dumplings
are way too big even for a normal sized person, but they taste pretty
3. A tiefling who’s missing a tooth smiles quite charismatically. He’s selling
potions and poisons, but they’re stored in old, reused liquor bottles.
Kinda weird, but mostly harmless.
4. This human-elf couple makes soap. They’re super happy because of their
soap, which is always enchanted into putting anyone who uses it into a
good mood.
5. This scrawny kobold is making guns. He loves his firearms to death,
despite being too small to wield a majority of them. He just loves his
6. A bald, female wizard doesn’t actually sell anything, but she enchants
items for others. She also has a hairless cat, probably related to the same
incident. She has looks that could kill, but she is super sensitive when
someone brings up her lack of hair.
7. A young, quiet librarian sits behind a desk reading a book. When the
player gets closer, they notice that she’s actually a centaur. She’s quite
dainty and gentle for her size.
8. A disabled dwarf creates small trinkets from bed. His half human
daughter takes care of him, but a network of clockwork beasts run his
store front, taking care of sales and maintaining each other so they’ll sell
for a pretty penny. Rumors about him creating a chair with wheels are
spreading, so he’ll finally be mobile again.
9. An unlikely pair of merchants run an apothecary, alternatingly with one
working on baubles while the other deals with customers. The dwarf is a
grumpy old man, nearly unapproachable, and usually berates his half-orc
apprentice even when in front of the customers. When asked, he typically
overprices and generally shuts down any attempts at haggling. The half-
orc apprentice is suspicious and intimidating in appearance, and sound
threatening when replying to his dwarf master, but is actually much more
cordial to the customers and is more lenient when haggling. Both,
however, like their beer.
10.A gnome tinker who has all kinds of different scrounged and jury-rigged
magic items. He appears on his cart every couple hours until the party
buys something.
11.An aarakocra resembling a vulture who sells things he finds. By ‘finds’,
he means he takes stuff off of dead bodies and whatever else he sees
lying around. He’ll sell random pieces of armor, weapons, books, and
food he cooks himself with scavenged meats and the like. He’s a great
cook and a cynical old coot. His coyote & pepper stew is quite popular.
12.A thin man wearing a backpack seemingly too large to carry. Inside are
various minor magic items which he sells as novelties to anyone with the
cash to buy them. He is dressed in flamboyant clothing.
13.A cheerful dragonborn who runs a sandwich shop in a tavern. He is
obsessed with incredibly spicy food, and tries to push spices on
customers to ‘keep the fire burning in their stomachs’. Cooks all of his
food with his breath weapon.
14.A young half elf alchemist selling concoctions out of a small bag. Her
accessories include a bandolier that holds different vials, leaf shaped
earrings, and a purple headband. She promises that her creations work,
however the shakiness of her voice don’t inspire confidence. She’ll get
overly excited when she makes a sale.
15.A scarred, brutish orc selling finely crafted jewelry. if engaged in
conversation, he reveals that he only took up the barbaric ways of his
people because of peer pressure. Eventually he went adventuring and then
decided to pursue his lifelong hobby of crafting rings and necklaces and
the like. His clan must believe he is long dead by now.
16.A young human wizard, yet to lose his baby fat and with no sign of facial
hair can provide advanced spell scrolls, but always refers to customers as
‘youngster’ or ‘whippersnapper’. When asked about it, he becomes very
upset, muttering about curses and kids not respecting their elders
17.A old human luthier with a grey mustache and coke bottle glasses. He’s
always working on something and refuses to look away from what he’s
working on for more than a second. His teenaged son does most of the
dealing, however he spend most of his time playing with the
merchandise. The son will keep playing when spoken to and will inform
everyone that his band is playing at the tavern that night. Before making
any deal he will walk over and ask his father if the deal is fair.
18.A slender, well-mannered man sells curiosities in a travelling carriage.
He has a pet mimic that has taken the form of a small lockbox, which is
somehow very well trained and obedient.
19.A female high elf with shoulder length auburn hair and named Mary Jane
sells herbs, fruits and vegetables from a large wagon pulled by a pair of
mechanical oxen. Many of the herbs are seasoning; some have medicinal
uses and a few have ‘recreational uses’. Her partner, a shy male Halfling
named Timmy who barely speaks to anyone, but, if you can befriend him,
he can sell you a few herbs and roots that are useful in toxin manufacture.

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