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2nd Term AY 2017-2018

English 10 Term 2
Supplementary Materials/Home Study Task No. 6


REQUIRED: Parent’s Name and Signature

Name: ____________________________________________ TOTAL SCORE:

Week 16: November 22 -28, 2018 Mentor: _____________________________
Submission Date: November 28, 2018 Signature: ___________________________

Viewing: Identifying points and main ideas, evaluating points and concepts
Writing: Paraphrasing
Analyzing and Presenting of data
Vocabulary: Crossword puzzle



1. COMPLIMENT—politely congratulate or praise (someone) for something

5. CAUSE—a person or thing that gives rise to an action, phenomenon, or condition

6. PREWRITING—first stage of the writing process and the point at which we discover and explore our initial ideas about a

7. EFFECT—a change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause

8. FIVE—number of steps in the writing process

9. PUBLISH—releasing a document for others to read

12. WRITING—drafting, getting your ideas on paper, developing topic logically with detail and purpose

13. FLATTERY—insincere praise, especially that given to further one's own interests


2. PRESENT PERFECT—consists of the subject, the auxiliary have/has, and the past participle (third form) of the main

3. SALUTATION—the greeting in the business letter

4. REVISING—look at the writing, change order of information, expand sections of writing, cut details in others

6. PRAISE—the expression of approval or admiration for someone or something

7. EDITING—focus on making the document meet correct English standards, grammar, and punctuation

10. BODY—the meat in the business letter containing paragraphs

11. HEADING—contains the return address with the date on the last line

Directions: Carefully read the statements below and choose the correct modal that will complete the sentence.
Underline you’re answer.

1. You don’t’ (have to / needn’t / mustn’t go) in there. The sign says “No entry”.

2. If Mae was crying, she must (have been / I‘d better be / can be) very upset.

3. In his opinion, she (should / must / has to) try a different hairstyle.

4. In India, people (don’t have to / mustn’t / shouldn’t) smoke on buses.

5. Matt (must / needn’t / should) take an umbrella. I think it will rain.

6. That painting (should not have been painted / might not have been painted / had to be painted) by Monet. It
could be a forgery.

7. In the Air Force, you (have to / should / needn’t) wear a uniform.

8. You (don’t have to / mustn’t / needn’t) speak in class or the teacher will send you out.

9. If I had gone with my friends to Jamaica, (I ‘d rather take / could have taken / must have) taken scuba diving

10. You (don’t have to / needn’t / should) phone your parents. It’s very late and they’ll be worried.

11. You (must / have to / needn’t) come too early. We won’t leave until 11 o’clock.

12. You (have to book / don’t need book / may book) the tickets for the concert in advance- they sell out quickly.


Make a different word, using the prompt in parentheses.

e.g. development (change to verb) - to develop

e.g. economize (change to noun) - economy

1. analysis
2. analytical
3. to evaluate
4. to theorize
5. problematic
6. expectation
7. to disagree
8. disorganized
9. proof disprove


Finish these paraphrased sentences by changing the word/word type and grammar.
e.g. We studied the statistics then applied for funding. -
After _________ the statistics, we made an _________ for funding.
After studying the statistics, we made an application for funding

1. We had some concerns about her health.

2. Because of council funding cuts, there was no provision for free parking.
3. His proposal failed because it relied too much on theory.
4. By emphasizing the UK only, the evidence was weak.
5. As the emphasis was only on the UK, the evidence was not strong.


1. For the majority of the European population, the Euro resulted in higher prices for many daily

With the Euro came an increase in prices on a range of common goods for most people.

2. As women have moved into the job market, they have left behind their traditional roles as
housewives and mothers, and seen their situation generally improve, though equality with men is
still some way off.

Though not yet equal to men in the job market, women are generally in a stronger position now
than in the past when they were more restricted to traditional roles in the home.

3. Almost a hundred years ago, Elton Mayo, a US academic studied how workers could be
influenced by their environment, and in his report, the Hawthorne Studies, he proved that by
changing minor aspects of the workplace, such as lighting, workers could be encouraged to work

The Hawthorne Studies undertaken by an American academic in the early 20th century,
investigated links between environment and productivity, and demonstrated that the latter could
be increased by making small physical changes to the workplace, for example altering a room’s
Choose and watch between the 2 videos:
INSTRUCTION: Answer the following question in 2-5 sentences.
What would happen if every human suddenly disappeared? - Dan Kwartler
1. What is the thesis argument in the video?’
Our impact if so profound, most scientist believed humanity has left a permanent mark on Earth’s Geological
Record. So what would happen if suddenly, every human on Earth disappeared?

2. What are the several points made in the video? Identify each and explain in your own words?
POINT 1: Human creations will backfire. Oil production plants will malfunction and be set on fire.
Underground tunnels will be flooded.
Emergency generators will gone out.
The earth will be dark.
POINT 2: Post-human biodiversity Sidewalks will be torn apart by weeds and tree roots.
Flooded tunnels erode the streets that by then freezes because
of the cold climate.
Skyscrapers buckle and tumble down
Buildings near bodies of water will be washed away.
Collapsed and infested homes.
Different plants will grow in the cities as the soil acidity
POINT 3: Animals follow the unchecked spread of native and non-native plants or the extension of the
biodiversity in animals.
Animals venture new habitats.
Cockroaches will die.
Domesticated animals will die.
Billion of birds will be saved.
Mosquito multiply endlessly.
Fauna and flora flourish.
Earth’s climate recovers.
Lead will be eradicated.
C02 will return to pre-human levels.
Human remnants will still remain.
3. What is the purpose of the video?
The purpose of the video is to inform the viewers are as to what extend the traces of humanity has affected the
earth and as to what will be left if humans will be gone over thousand to million of years. Through investigation
of the world, people will learn more about the world.

4. What did you learn from the video?

The answers must be substancial and relevant to the purpose and the content of the video.
Why are sloths so slow? - Kenny Coogan
5. What is the thesis argument in the video?’
Thomas Jefferson thought the remains were from a specie of North American Lion, however, it is from an extinct
giant sloth.
6. What are the several points made in the video? Identify each and explain in your own words?
POINT 1: Prehistoric Sloth first appeared around 35 million years ago.
Dozens of species lived in different parts of America.
There are small and massive types of Sloths.
Sloths lived in forest and savannas.
They used their strong arms to live.
Sloths were aide in spreading wild avocados in the wild.

POINT 2: Ground Sloths flourished for million of years.

10,000 years ago, Ground Sloths started disappearing due to the cold climate, competition to other
species of maybe human.
Smaller Sloths survived and migrated in the tree tops.
POINT 3: Reasons why Sloths are slow; their diet in tree tops to keep them away from predators.
Sloths hanged out in trees and survived by keeping away from predators.
Sloths relied on mostly plants that lack the properties for them to gain energy.
Sloths adapted its system to retain energy extracted from plants that will take days or even weeks
to process a meal
POINT 4: To survive, Sloths used as little energy as possible.
Not moving much.
Sloths spend most of their time eating, resting or sleeping.
Sloths used less energy to keep themselves warm.
7. What is the purpose of the video?
The purpose of this video is to give information about the origin of Sloths and how they attained the slow
8. What did you learn from the video?
The answers must be substancial and relevant to the purpose and the content of the video.

Interpreting and Presenting Data: Line Graphs
1. August
2. January
3. 3 Degrees
4. 9 months
5. 30 - 33 degrees Celsius
6. The temperature will be different since two countries have different position in the earth affecting the
climate and temperature in the area.
Answer the following in 1-2 sentences or compound sentences.
1. Express the data in temperature from February to May.
Expression of steady increase.
2. Express the data in temperature from May to July.

Expression of steady or no movement in terms of temperature change.

3. Express the data from August to December.

Expression of steady and slight decrease. Also, the movement is in a rapid manner.

4. What is the overall temperature interpretation from the start to the end of the year?
The data shows the average highest temperatures in Jamaica that ranges from 30 Celsius to 33 Celsius as its
highest temperate in August. There is a steady increase of temperature from February to May and no changes
during May to July. Lastly, there is a temperature will rapidly go down from September to December.


Underline the misspelled word/s and wrong grammar and rewrite the correct term. There could be sentences
with more than 1 error.


1. That's the twelfth unnecessarily phone call you've made to the personnel office.
2.Can we persuade you to play accompaniment on the piano during the rehearsal of our
3. Omitting the last name of your acquaintance undoubtedly embarrassed her.
4. Will you seize the opportunity to taste this nutritious miniature biscuit?
5. The calendar shows that the guidance office will be closed this coming Wednesday.

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