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Tuberculosis spondylitis is one of the most frequent and dangerous forms of extra-

pulmonary tuberculosis. Generally the disease is found in developing countries. This disease
attacks the poor and can infect all vulnerable ages. It usually deals with the quality and
facilities of public health services as well as the conditions of the country concerned and
vulnerable to HIV disease, diabetes and malnutrition.
According to WHO 2015, Indonesia is the country that ranks third in the number of
TB patients after India and China. Tuberculosis is a worldwide cause of death that can be
attributed to a single infectious agent. More than 40 percent of TB cases worldwide occur in
the Southern part of East Asia. In this region, an estimated 3 million new TB cases each year.
An estimated 140,000 people die in these countries, and every 4 minutes there is one patient
who dies in those countries, and every 2 seconds there is contagion. Extrapulmonary TB
occurs only 10 to 15 percent of all tuberculosis cases. Tuberculosis occurs 1 to 3 percent of
The conclusion is that tuberculosis spondylitis can affect both men and women and
can also attack all age ranges, from children to adults. The thoracic and lumbar regions are
part of the most commonly infected spine. It is expected that adequate health services for
tuberculosis services so that the incidence of tuberculosis spondylitis may decrease.
Keywords: Tuberculosis Spondylitis, TB Spondylitis, Pott's disease

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