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On October 20, 2017, Mrs.

Ck 31-year-old came to the emergency department at Siloam Hospital

because of a traffic accident 1 hour before entering the hospital. The patient momentarily lost
consciousness at the time of the injury and then regained it. The patient now has lost consciousness
again, looking bruised around the eyes and behind the ears. found also otorrhea and rhinorrhea.
The nurses takes quick action knowing that these are signs and symptoms of an brain injury. The
result of CT-Scan is epidural hematoma.
When the patient's family comes to the hospital, the family is prohibited from entering and is only
limited to 1 person for a while before others enter. families are very angry and sad because the
hospital policy only exacerbates family worries on the patient's condition. then the nurse educates
the family about the policy.

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