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Chayunggul Nianchaloei 1002

English grade 10 with Mr. William Kloster

How can bully affect you?

Shall we lived by happiness or pain from others? Bullying is when people usually with
more power, hurt or harm other people who feel helpless to respond.(National Centre Against
Bullying) Males are more likely than females to be both Hunter and prey of bullying according
to Bullying Behaviors Among US article by Tonja R. Nansel , Marry overpeck and Ramani S.
Pilla ​Psychological research has debunked several myths associated with bullying, including one
that states that bullies are usually the most unpopular students in school.(Dr. Philip Rodkin)​.
Bullying should not exist on our society, because it is disrespectful to others and can lead to
damaged mental and physical health, for both the victim and “The bully”.
Bullying have impact on mental health to anyone involved in bully. According to
NICHD research studies show that anyone involved with bullying those who bully others, and
those are bullied are increased risk for depression. Especially on the victim according to Kaite
Hurley article, Effects on victim include feelings of shame, sleep disturbance, changes in eating
habits, low self-esteem, anxiety, bedwetting, depression and higher risk of illness.
Bullying can damage physical health. such as physical injury and other long term effects, such
as headaches, sleep disturbances, etc… research from The University of Warwick say
that“victim of bullying are facing with a serious illness, smoke regularly or develop a mental
health disorder”.(theconversation,com). 10 of common symptoms are anxiety, problems
sleeping, irritability, headache, tension, fatigue, poor appetite, sadness, skin problems, and
Bullying can harm your social, now you may confused about a different on a metal
and social health. The difference is mental was only your mind but social was more about your
relation to others. Our data have show us effects of bully can change anyone who have a role in
bully behavior. Interesting data from ( say that bullying can changes teens
behavior including miss school or skipping class, Use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs. Those
behaviors can make your relation to other become weaker or even completely cut.
In conclusion bullying should not ever exist in our society, because it can damage
our physical and mental health. My recommendation for further research is more information for
physical health damaged and including social health in this research so we can have bigger
picture on effects of bullying. Let made this world a better place together, Let stand against those

(“School Bullying,” n.d.)​ Ying


(​What Is Social Health? - Definition & Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript |​,

(“Dealing With Bullying (for Teens) - KidsHealth,” n.d.)

Dealing With Bullying (for Teens) - KidsHealth. (n.d.). Retrieved June 7, 2019, from

School Bullying. (n.d.). Retrieved June 7, 2019, from Google Books website:

What Is Social Health? - Definition & Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript |​. (n.d.).

Retrieved from

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