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Drake Prince

2019 TPOL

8 June 2019

Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to

overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?

I am a competitive runner. I currently attend a high school that does not have athletic

facilities, or a track to practice. The most significant challenge I have faced as an athlete is

dealing with a school that does not support athletes. I originally attended a regular public

elementary school but was unhappy. My parents moved me to a charter school called High

Tech High Chula Vista. My parents were concerned that there were no athletic facilities for

the High School but decided to go forward with the move after finding out the school had the

use of another facility. Later, the track coach left the high school. My Dad had been an

assistant coach on my youth track and field team and decided to step up to become the new

coach. My freshmen year the athletic facility we were using to hold our practices raised the

prices to a point where our school could no longer pay. That left the team without a track. My

training now took place on streets, trails, and parking lots. In order to give our team a chance

to strength train, my Dad had to negotiate low-cost group workouts at local gyms. To make

competing at a high level even harder, my school does not have buses or any other form of

transportation to get our team to competitions. Our school also lets us out later than other

schools to get to meets and can cause me to not have enough time to be warmed up properly.

Despite all the obstacles and roadblocks thrown at me, I have continued to push through and

work hard. Every day I would show up at practice and give it my all. Through my hard work,
I have qualified for two state championships in cross country meets and was a state finalist at

track and field state championships. I am the San Diego Section Champion for the 800m. I

have a personal record in the 800m of a 1:53.22 and am top 25 in the nation for my age

group. From the challenges I have faced, I learned that hard work can help anyone get

through any obstacle.

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