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Martha Torres

Prof. Knott-Silva

Health Education 044

Project 1 Reflection

The purpose of project one in Health Education was to analyze different health aspects

needed for a person, ourselves specifically, in order to live a better and healthier lifestyle.

Although health most commonly associated with only diet and exercise, were not the only health

ideologies mentioned in the self reflection. In my Personal Prescription Paper, I identified three

different health areas I need to place my focus on. Among the three were social, emotional, and

physical health.

Based on a self reflection questionnaire in the health textbook, one of the main health

ideologies I needed to focus on was my participation in my social health. It became apparent

after the quiz that I do not engage myself in social activities other than when needed to. In order

to improve on my social health, it is suggested I place myself more in social situations. This can

be resolved by joining clubs at school and attempting to talk to others such as classmates I may

not know too well.

My second health improvement based on the questionnaire was the needed improvement of

my emotional health. In the Prescription Paper, I had summarized that I am in need of improving

my thoughts because often they can be negative whether it has to do with myself or something

I’m working on such as schoolwork. In addition to improving m negative thoughts I additionally

need to work on the limiting of judging others and myself.

My final health asptt that I had found that needed improvement was my physical health.

Before taking the questionnaire I had previously known I had needed to work on my physical

health. Notably I realized I need to get additional exercise than from what I get on a dial and to

try to make an improved effort.

Overall the Prescription paper aided mee in filing or other aspects of m health that need

to be improved other than m physical health. Now taking these reflections and ideas for

improvement can aid my overall health.

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