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Nama : Linda Elviana

Kelas : 9E

1. 6 tbsp grated chese
2. 6 slices of fench bread
3. 75 gr unsalted butter
4. 6 large onions ,peeled and sliced
5. Salt and papper
6. 600 ml beef stock
7. 60 gr plain four
8. 2 tsp sof sauce
9. 1 tsp Worcester sauce

1. Melt butter slowly
2. Add sliced onion , aprinch of salt and paper and the
3. Cook on a low heat,stiring from time to time, the
onions have browned
4. Add beef stock and bring to the boil
5. Sift the flour , stiring hard to avad lumps
6. Add chicken stock
7. Simmer for 3-4 hours
8. Add sauce
9. Top each bowl with bread and chese and place
underfor two minutes ,until chesse has mel ted the
bowlsbe hot, so warn your auest . It is a very soup so
won’t want much ase to eat it shoud be sarved to 6

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