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sus tmicem 618/13/15A dudn; 100 BAI TAP GIOI TU+ DAP AN EXERCISE 1: C4u 1 Thank you for all your help. You've been very kind me, A. of Cat D. for Cau 2 I don't think that I'm acquainted him. A.with C. for by CAu 3 What have I done wrong? Why are you annoyed me? A. about B. with Cat D. by Cau 4 Opening the parcel, he was surprised what he saw. Avat Bin Con D. of Céu 5 Rosy married a wealthy man, She got married him B. for C. about Cau 6 Don’t be familiar John. He is a dishonest man, A. into c D. for Cau 7 My plan is similar yours, but itis di Ken’s. A. to/to B. fromvto c D. from/from Cau 8 It was very nice you to do my shoppin; ju very much. A. of B. for D. with Cau 9 I'm capable speaking tw< B. with D. of CA 10 Contrary his doctor’s orders, ick to work. A. from D. by Céu 11 I've been trying to learn Spanish but I'm not yery satisfied my progress. it Coat D. by Cau 12 Attending all us. Cat D.on England in 1776. Cof all the assistance. C. to-for D. for-with at stealing is wrong! You should feel ashamed. yourself! Awi B.on C. of D. about Cfu 16 He his rival’s success. A. by B.of C with, D. for CAu 17 1am very opposed your going abroad. B. with D. about Céu 18 She is indifferent fe. AL with, B. from C. about 1 |Success is not easy but certainly not for the | LUYEN THI HO THANH — vién bién soan: Ms. Lé Vy 618/13/15A duon; quin Go Vap TP.HCM - SDT: 0938.178.416 Au 19 Ithough his last name is the same as mine, 'm not related him. A. with D. for oS eae! Céu 20 You'll find that this tool is very useful many different things, A. for B. with D.of fu 21 The students are very anxious the results of the examination, B. with C. about D. for Céiu 22 The clerk said she was tired hearing complaints day after day. A. with B.of C. about D. for Céu 23 George is still very loyal his friends despite their argument B. for C. of Cu 24 A good basic knowledge of English is essential, advai A. with, B. by C. towards Cu 25 I think Martha was pleased the gift I gave her for her AL with, B. about Co Cu 26 We're still hopeful hearing from o@? friend before Saturday. A.of G Céu 27 I'm conscious their feelings, but offending them. A. with/of. B. tolof C. for D. offof (Céu 28 Mr. Anderson is responsible hiring and fi Vees. A. for B. about D. with Cu 29 I didn’t expect to win the match? the result. D. with Cu 30 At present, my daily expenses are just al my income. A. for ith D. by EXERCISE 2: Cu 1 Once scientist fully understand the cause a disease, it becomes easier for them to find a cure for C. with D.o Cau 2 The children a show areal thirst earning, C. of D. about Cu 3.It was his cOntril molecular biology that won him the Nobel prize - a C. for Cau 4 my friends, B. on behalf of C. on favor of D. on condition that caus had a happy childhood. B.Onthe whole C. The wholeof_——_D. On whole Cu 6 I can’t open this door. Have you got a key ___ the other door? B. with D.of CAu 7 [ emailed Jim last week, but I still haven’t received a reply _ my message. 2 |Success is not easy but certainly not for the lazy! LUYEN THI HO THANH o vién bién soan: Ms. Lé Vy 618/13/15A duong Quang Trung, quan Go Vap TP.HCM - SDT: 0938.178.416/ J A Zi B. with D.of ieee Cau 8 ___ our friendly staff, you'll find our hotel provides everything you could ever desire. A Inaddition to —-B. In spite of CC. In support of D. Incase of Cu 9 He is decorating the house selling it. A.witha view of B. witha viewto Cin danger of D. in danger to Cau 10 The project failed finiancial banking. A.onaccount of —_B. for want of, C. by reason of D. for the py CAu 11 You can’t talk to her now. She’s still___, but I will ask her to call you ‘A. on phne B. on the phone C. in the phone Cau 12 To be debt is to be danger. A. in-out of B. in-in C. out of-in Céu 13 Our style of hair maybe date at present. Ain Bon C. out of CA 14 There was a rise the demand A.on/on B. on/of Céu 15 Donata came across the business idea A.on c D. by Cau 16 mistake, I took the wrong book from my 1. A. through D. in Cfu 17 The main reason taking the language skills. A.on B.of D. with CAu 18 He noticed an increase ighbors after the burned cake incident. Ain B.of D.on Cau 19 Would you like to come a walk with me? A. with Coin D. of Cau 20 Where would wliday this year? Cof D. from lent pianist D.on f bus drivers are strike. D. for again, Let's buy a new one, B. out of work D. out of the question homelessness are many, but there is a great demand__ a plan of action to end it. A. for/for B. for/in C. for/on D. on/for Céu 25 I go to cinema times. A.on B. Cwith, Cau 26 These jackets are __ fashion. 3 |Success is not easy but certainly not for the lazy!

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