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Elements of Design:

Line- A one dimensional path made by a point moving in space

Shape- ​a flat, closed area made through lines, textures, or colors

Forms- A three dimensional closed space, with length, width, and


Space- ​the distances and areas around, between, and inside 

components of a piece
Color- ​the element of art that is made when light strikes an 
object, and is reflected back to the eye

Texture- ​the perceived surface quality of a work of art 

Principles of Design:

the sense of distribution of perceived visual weights 

Balance- ​
that offset each other

Emphasis- ​an area within artwork that draws attention and 

becomes a focal point
Movement Pattern- ​style in art with a specific common goal, 
followed by a group of artists during a restricted period of time

Repetition- one object or shape repeated

Proportion- ​the relative size of parts of a whole 

Rhythm- ​The little differences in a pattern and the repetition of 

elements of art

Variety- ​the principle of art that adds interest to an artwork

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