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One of the Government programs offers seniors the opportunity to participate in

different activities. Today, a group of them, are visiting places downtown.

Let’s follow the group:

At the moment they are visiting the big church opposite the square. They are
observing and commenting on the old and beautiful pictures there.

Then they are crossing the square to go to the Post Office. This is a large building.
Some of the ladies are buying postcards but two of them are not in the post office.
They are sitting in a café next to the corner, they are drinking a cup of tea and

Next the ladies are walking along the street to get to the Museum. One of the
ladies is looking for a pharmacy.

Fortunately, there is a policewoman near and the lady asks: “Excuse me, is there
a pharmacy near here?”

The policewoman says: ”There is one between the enormous department store
and a video club.”

Finally, the group of seniors are getting on the bus back to their houses. The tour is


 Work in couples
 Read the text attentively (twice a minimum)
 Circle the cognates of the text
 Translate into Spanish the underlined phrases or words

1. Lee y subraya los lugares que aparecen en el texto.

2. Lee y une las columnas:

a. Is the text about a tour downtown? ______ A group of seniors.

b. Who is visiting downtown? ______ By bus.

c. Where are they buying postcard ______ Yes, it is

d. What are two ladies doing at the café? ______ At the post office.

e. Are they going by car or by bus? ______ Having a cup of tea.

3. Secuencia las acciones que aparecen en el texto:

______ Some ladies are sitting at a café.

______ The ladies are visiting downtown.
______ A lady is looking for a pharmacy.
______ The policewoman is helping a lady.
______ Some ladies are buying postcards.
______ A policewoman is standing near.
______ The seniors are getting on the bus.

4. Vuelve al texto y clasifica las palabras en las siguientes categorías:


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