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Evidencia 6: Segmentation “Describing potential clients”

Presentado por:

Ivan Dario Rodriguez Castro



Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA)

Negociación internacional

Ficha 1565314


Actividad de aprendizaje 3 Evidencia 6:

Segmentation “Describing Potential Clients”

En la proyección de mercados, la segmentación permite identificar las necesidades y el

comportamiento de los consumidores para satisfacer sus deseos, teniendo en cuenta que la idea es
exportar el producto seleccionado a un país de habla inglesa ya establecido, entonces es importante
tener en cuenta el vocabulario y las estructuras necesarias en inglés para elaborar una adecuada
consulta y así lograr un mayor conocimiento de las necesidades y expectativas de los clientes, y con
ello obtener una mejor visión de lo que se pretende ofrecer al mercado internacional.

Por lo anterior y con la finalidad de cumplir con esta evidencia, desarrolle lo siguiente: 1. Resuelva
en inglés las preguntas que se le presentan a continuación:

• Where do you usually buy your cleaning products?

barns or supermarket.

neighborhood store

• Do you consider yourself a good person? Why?

If I am honest, hardworking and study.

• Do you feel satisfied with the cleaning products you buy? Why?

- Yes, because they are products that meet my expectations.

• What type of cleaning product would you like to see improved? Why?

- No, because the products I use are of good quality

• Name 5 brands of cleaning products that you consider the best

Ariel, Fab, Pure, Lavomatic, Dersa, Colgate, pantene, except, liquid dersa, johnson shampoo, Savital,

• What are the most important aspects that should be taken into account when choosing a

Clean the brand of the product?

brand, price, quality

• Imagine you are promoting a new product. Describe it and write in ten lines the reasons to
convince your potential customers to buy your product.

The needs and desires, providing security in the product by showing a good brand that offers good
promotions, good prices for the consumer and stability in the market having encuena the population
to which it is offered. always having a specific objective and clear objectives.
Strengthen and maintain regular customers who provide information on the range of products that
can be derived from those previously offered, be convincing, use elaborate arguments and be
transparent at all times.

2. Describe in English the type of population to which you want to project the product or service,
according to the country already selected.

Coffee is undoubtedly one of the products that most relates to the human being. Almost 25 million
families consume it in more than 50 countries, since it is a product that is for all types of population
or genres.

The United States is one of the largest consumers in the world.

Consumers, who are located in almost every country in the world, carry out their social activities
around a cup of coffee

3. According to the population described above, prepare a survey in English to apply to this

You drink coffee? If the answer is yes, please continue answering this brief questionnaire. If the
answer is we do not appreciate your help and your time.



How many cups of coffee do you take in the day?

1 to 2 cups

3 to 5 cups

more than 5 cups

In what situations do you drink coffee? (you can select more than one):

In the morning upon awakening

Before sleep

During office hours and / or school

When I am with my friends

What coffee do you prefer to drink?






What is your favorite place to drink coffee?

A cafe

Your house

The office

In the path



What reasons motivate you to drink coffee?

For taste, I like its flavor

To relax myself

To share a time with another person

To wake up




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