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The Importance of Saving Water

Water is more than just water; the existence of whole universe is dependent on water. That’s why
we called water is life. The importance of saving water on a personal and global level cannot be
underestimated .Water is necessary for the sustenance of human life. The primary reason is that
every living element on Earth is consisting of approximately 65% to 70% of water in their body.
Anyone can’t think of life without water whether it is Plants, Animals, Humans, and other living


1.It prevents the mucous membranes from drying out (eyes, mouth, nose, etc.)

2.It facilitates blood circulation, cell reproduction and movement.

3.It allows the absorption of essential nutrients and the contribution of energy.

4.Improves digestive function

5.Protects and lubricates the joints

6.Helps the efficient elimination of toxins and waste from internal organs

7. Less cramping and sprains

8. Reduce the risk of cancer


We have learned many new things about water, a very important and present day issue.
What we have learned we can apply in our lives knowing the importance of water (a
renewable resource but limited). From now on we will take into account the importance of
water, trying to change our habits.

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