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1. Convergent Boundary: Ocean-Continent Collision. * Because the oceanic crust is more dense than continental crust, when these two collide, the continental crust rides up over the oceanic crust and the oceanic crust is bent down and subducted beneath the continental crust. This is called a subduction zone, where the old oceanic crust is dragged downward and “recycled.” ‘ Deep-sea trenches are created at subduction zones. Trenches are narrow, deep troughs parallel to the edge of a continent or island are. They typically have slopes of 4-5 degrees, and they are often 8-10 km deep. The deepest spots on earth are found in oceanic trenches. The Mariana Trench is the deepest ocean depth at 11 km (35,798 ft) below sea level. Figure depicting oceanic crust subducting beneath continental crust, creating volcanoes on the land surface above, and a deep- sea trench off of the coast. Oceanic crust Credit: US. Geological Survey Department of the Enterior/USGS Convergent Plate * aBo Galtéd sie@sduction zones * plates move toward one another * downwelling part of convection cell * sea floor destroyed * forms trenches and volcanic island arcs Convergent, Plate Boundary —— von WZ ed cer v2 Converge Plate Boundaries At CONVERGENT plate boundaries, tectonic plates move TOWARDS eachother. | CONVERGENT BOUNDARY Oceanic Plate ©——-+ Continental Plate Nazca Plate ——» South American Plate = Andes Pacific Plate —-» North American Plate = Cascade Range The subduction of the Deep oceanic plate causes... Volcanic Mountains Three es of Con Boundaries Convergent Plate Boundaries on Trenches, volcanic arcs and subduction ==ms| zones. Ocean plates always go under continental plates (subduction). Folded mountains, thrust- block mountains Continent - Continent Trenches, subduction zones, volcanic island arcs * Oceanic crust is subducted and absorbed into the mantle creating a _ subduction zone 2) Convergent Boundaries: (3 types A) Ocean — Ocean Convergent Boundary Pr Compressional forces cause plates to move together, causing one slab of lithosphere to be consumed into the mantle initiating voleanic activity which creates volcanoes to form on the ocean floor. Features called ocean trenches are formed at these boundaries. Lithosphere is destroyed as one oceanic slab descends beneath another. Fluid, basaltic magmas feed the volcanic islands and form shield volcanoes. Example include the Japan A island are and the Japan ae ae trench. ‘Ocean- Ocean Convergence

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