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Arashiyama, Kyoto, Japan:

Arashiyama is a nationwide designated place of scenic beauty and historic site. Arashiyama is a
charming traveler area distinguished by its landmark Togetsukyo Bridge, with Mount
Arashiyama standing peacefully in the background. A wide choice of restaurants, cafes, and
outlets are situated close to the famous bridge. If you venture a short distance north you will
also encounter a cluster of bamboo groves and residential district with many small temples
placed placidly among the woody hillside.

Some notable tourist sites of Arashiyama:

Togetsukyo Bridge

The Moon Crossing Bridge or Togetsukyo Bridge is Arashiyama's most iconic symbol. This bridge
was built during the Heian Period and most recently rebuilt in the 1930s. The appearance of
bridge is appealing in combination with the wooded mountainside in the background. A park at
riverside with heaps of cherry trees is also situated just next to the bridge.

Bamboo Groves of Arashiyama

The walking paths that cut across the bamboo groves are made to take a bicycle ride or pleasing
walk. The groves are notably charismatic when there's a less wind and the large bamboo stalks
sway softly back and forth. The bamboo has been utilized to manufacture numerous products,
like cups, baskets, mats and boxes at local shops for centuries.

Okochi Sanso Villa

This is the villa of the popular actor named Okochi Denjiro, situated behind of Arashiyama's
bamboo groves. Okochi Sanso comprises of many different buildings and gardens, as well as tea
homes, living quarters and gates. The villa can only be seen from the outside.

Monkey Park Iwatayama

Situated in the Arashiyama Mountains, the entranceway to the monkey park can be discovered
simply going south of the Togetsukyo Bridge. After some hiking uphill for near 15 minutes,
travelers can find a blazing area with over 100 monkeys straying freely. There is also a nice view
down onto the town.

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